Metal's test/tren log

Started cardio yesterday. Went a lot better than I thought. Weighed in at 231 this morning. Pumps in the gym are insane! Still doing tren a 70mg ed and test e 50mg eod. MIGHT bump the tren to 80mg ed next week.
Started cardio yesterday. Went a lot better than I thought. Weighed in at 231 this morning. Pumps in the gym are insane! Still doing tren a 70mg ed and test e 50mg eod. MIGHT bump the tren to 80mg ed next week.
Sounds like someone's going BEAST mode! You're getting close to where I found my "sweet spot" with tren. Hope you like it at those doses as much as I do. :D
Sounds like someone's going BEAST mode! You're getting close to where I found my "sweet spot" with tren. Hope you like it at those doses as much as I do. :D

Definitely! As long as the sides stay down, im gonma increase until i find mine. I'm definitely looking forward to the changes coming
So what sides other than insomnia and snappiness have you seen? Saw in other threads you were running some liver prophylactics? Which type and brand? Assume they aren't readily available at GNC/Vitamin Shoppe etc? I was thinking about kickstarting my next cycle with D-Bol and then adding Tren after 4 weeks into week 12. Think I should just can that and go with Tren from jumpstreet? Not trying to derail your thread, but your cycle is very similar to what I am going for in November, although I've settled back on the long esters with my work and family travel schedule.
So what sides other than insomnia and snappiness have you seen? Saw in other threads you were running some liver prophylactics? Which type and brand? Assume they aren't readily available at GNC/Vitamin Shoppe etc? I was thinking about kickstarting my next cycle with D-Bol and then adding Tren after 4 weeks into week 12. Think I should just can that and go with Tren from jumpstreet? Not trying to derail your thread, but your cycle is very similar to what I am going for in November, although I've settled back on the long esters with my work and family travel schedule.

Havent had too many honestly. The occasional insomnia which is rare. Night sweats happen every night but I had that with test and deca also. Irritability is the main one, but with keeping a level head its pretty easy to tolerate MOST OF THE TIME.

I'm using NAC by NOW foods and I got it from amazon for a very good price. Dbol depends on what you wanna do man. I'm just trying to lean out, and keep about the same weight range, but i am getting bigger and stronger which is a huge plus. I haven't taken dbol and i probably never will honestly. I've found my sweetness in tren lol

I will suggest pinning tren a ed as I have noticed that I feel better doing so and sides are minmal that way. Are you planning on higher or lower test for your cycle?
I ran 500 Sust/500 EQ last cycle with no sides and in post cycle therapy (pct) now, Clomid/Adex and the boys are already recovering nicely at week 3. Was thinking of going Sustanon (sust) 250 or Test C/E at 600/week and Tren E at 400/week, and had toyed with starting the Sust/Test with 50mg Dbol ED 1-6, then Tren A at week 5-15 alongside the test with a small overlap of the Dbol and Tren, but letting the cycle kick in before adding the Tren. it would be my first Tren cycle though. I am 39 and 258, so only sides I have had were with Sustanon (sust) 500 wk and Winstrol (winny) 700/week, and they were mild.
Read this all the way thru and its some good shit! pure motivation, great job and great documentation! how's that 3j program coming along, are you used to it yet you you feeling sluggish due to the heavy diet change/carb starving? pumped to see where this is going, let us know when you hit that sweet spot!
I ran 500 Sust/500 EQ last cycle with no sides and in PCT now, Clomid/Adex and the boys are already recovering nicely at week 3. Was thinking of going Sustanon (sust) 250 or Test C/E at 600/week and Tren E at 400/week, and had toyed with starting the Sust/Test with 50mg Dbol ED 1-6, then Tren A at week 5-15 alongside the test with a small overlap of the Dbol and Tren, but letting the cycle kick in before adding the Tren. it would be my first Tren cycle though. I am 39 and 258, so only sides I have had were with Sustanon (sust) 500 wk and Winstrol (winny) 700/week, and they were mild.

Well I would suggest tren a in case the sides are too intolerable, you can drop the tren and it'll be out of your system quick. Using tren e, it'll take longer and you'll have to suffer the sides until it clears. As for everything else, I would start a thread so you can get the best advice possible. I haven't messed with dbol or Sustanon (sust) so I can't help you there. Either way, tren is the shit so enjoy! :D
Read this all the way thru and its some good shit! pure motivation, great job and great documentation! how's that 3j program coming along, are you used to it yet you you feeling sluggish due to the heavy diet change/carb starving? pumped to see where this is going, let us know when you hit that sweet spot!

Started 80mg of tren today. Carb cycle is crazy. I have to look over my diet daily to eat the right amounts. Saturday and sundays are the shitty days for sure. I'm starting to get used to the low carbs but I tend to get irritable the most with low carbs. I have used 3j twice so far and its been the best money spent while on cycle by far
Started 80mg of tren today. Carb cycle is crazy. I have to look over my diet daily to eat the right amounts. Saturday and sundays are the shitty days for sure. I'm starting to get used to the low carbs but I tend to get irritable the most with low carbs. I have used 3j twice so far and its been the best money spent while on cycle by far

Awesome man. It's crazy how much I notice a difference in my physique when I drop my carbs while I'm on...and i'm not even that lean lol. I can only imagine what you'll see now that you're throwing in tren and some 3j
Still at 80mg ed. Giving blood friday finally. Been hell trying to find the right day. Getting bloodwork next week. Intensity in the gym is still top notch. Fucking stretch marks continue to grow and appear daily! One thing that concerns me. Ever since Ive been at 80mg, I've been having dreams of banging my ex wife. Not sure if its due to the tren or not but its getting annoying. Gonna give it a few more nights and adjust
Correction. Donated blood today. I feel better and I got a spiffy t shirt :D

If you do platelets you get a spiffy canteen too. ;) At least your tren dreams are sexual, mine were always ULTRA violent to the point I would look at my hands when I woke up to make sure I didn't have blood on them. Try bio-oil or even coconut oil for the stretch marks. I have them literally on every single muscle group on my body, but they've calmed down now that I started using oil.

My .02c :)
If you do platelets you get a spiffy canteen too. ;) At least your tren dreams are sexual, mine were always ULTRA violent to the point I would look at my hands when I woke up to make sure I didn't have blood on them. Try bio-oil or even coconut oil for the stretch marks. I have them literally on every single muscle group on my body, but they've calmed down now that I started using oil.

My .02c :)

Yall actually get dreams on Tren???
If you do platelets you get a spiffy canteen too. ;) At least your tren dreams are sexual, mine were always ULTRA violent to the point I would look at my hands when I woke up to make sure I didn't have blood on them. Try bio-oil or even coconut oil for the stretch marks. I have them literally on every single muscle group on my body, but they've calmed down now that I started using oil.

My .02c :)

Yeah the woman mentioned platelets. I was gonna ask if it'd be worth doing that every 2 weeks to a month. Lol havent had the first violent one. It was kind of weird at first always waking up with my dick in my hand lol as long as I don't say her name in a dream, and as long as my girl don't find out it shouldn't be a problem. Yeah I'll definitely be looking into coconut oil or something. Bitches are getting BAD