Metal's test/tren log

your gonna look really shredded with the tren and carb cycling good work can't wait to see more progress
your gonna look really shredded with the tren and carb cycling good work can't wait to see more progress

Thanks brother. The diets definitely keeping me on my toes and the tren, well its full on beast mode! I just think about eating and feigning to get back in the gym when I'm out lol
Still going strong. Hitting new pr's daily in the gym. Cardio has fixed itself a bit since the other day. Gonna start running 4-5x a week starting tomorrow. Anything to kill the bf still hanging around. I can definitely tell everything is getting bigger and looking a hell of a lot better than when i was on my bulk. Fucking stoked for the new changes in the future
How much of an increase have you seen on squats and bench?

So far 25 on bench with additional reps and right at 40 with additional reps on squats. Starting week 4 tomorrow so hopefully they keep climbing. Stretch marks are fucking everywhere lol
So far 25 on bench with additional reps and right at 40 with additional reps on squats. Starting week 4 tomorrow so hopefully they keep climbing. Stretch marks are fucking everywhere lol

Damn those are good gains! Especially for only being on week 4!

My wife got some cream at Walmart for stretch marks and it really lightened them up, might be worth looking into I think it was $10 for a bottle
Damn those are good gains! Especially for only being on week 4!

My wife got some cream at Walmart for stretch marks and it really lightened them up, might be worth looking into I think it was $10 for a bottle

Yeah I got to get someyhing for them. It looks like a lion clawed me from my pit to my tris lol I'm on the 531 by jim wendler so gains will be slowing a bit which I'm ok with because I don't want to risk any injuries. I'd be fucking pissed if I tore something on this cycle. Still every lift I do, which is all compound lifts are going up and getting easier. I know I wont do a cycle without tren again :D
Metal did you say this was your first Tren Cycle? How much fluid do you drink in a day? Good to see you making gains!
Start of week 4. Still have a LONG way to go. Starting cardio tomorrow. Definitely not looking forward to it but i know it has to be done. If you have any suggestions on how to help me improve please help. Thanks!


Nice log, enjoyed it, looking forward to running it, I miss getting random pocket rockets, and I'm hoping it helps with my energy in the gym, I think I'm gonna run bridge with it too