Metal's test/tren log

Yall actually get dreams on Tren???
Yep, I don't get insomnia that bad at all.
Yeah the woman mentioned platelets. I was gonna ask if it'd be worth doing that every 2 weeks to a month. Lol havent had the first violent one. It was kind of weird at first always waking up with my dick in my hand lol as long as I don't say her name in a dream, and as long as my girl don't find out it shouldn't be a problem. Yeah I'll definitely be looking into coconut oil or something. Bitches are getting BAD
It's definitely worth it, especially if your platelet count is getting higher from AAS/B-12 supplementation. You get to sit back and watch a movie while a machine does the pumping for you haha. Yeah, screaming out another woman's name is bad juju! Definitely hear you on the stretch marks, I used to get them so bad they'd bleed. I've actually been using this tanning oil as I like the way it feels and it smells nice. Just sucks that I have to wait a bit to put clothes on or they get oil spots on them.
Went high volume today on my workout. Definitely felt more pumps and pain rather than going for strength. Absolutely killed cardio today. Didnt get tired a bit during cardio which is very rare for me. Also, A NEW LEVEL by Pantera came on during my workout and absolutely sent it into overdrive!
Haha, I have to be careful when Pantera/Static-X/Underoath/Bury Your Dead come pumping through those headphones. Ever since I heard "Illuminator (Noise-Jam Remix)" by Underoath on one of DLB's videos I found my "Arrrrggghhh, I can't move any more weight" moments fix. ;)

Went high volume today on my workout. Definitely felt more pumps and pain rather than going for strength. Absolutely killed cardio today. Didnt get tired a bit during cardio which is very rare for me. Also, A NEW LEVEL by Pantera came on during my workout and absolutely sent it into overdrive!

Nice man I've been doing some high volume stuff a lot lately. The pumps are great. Tren can give me some crazy dreams as well.
Murdered legs with high volume and intensity tonight along with cardio. I believe I've found my sweet spot at 80mg ed of tren. I'm gonna ride this dose out for the remainder of the cycle, maybe going higher next cycle. Debating between throwing in either var or tbol when I finish the tren. Any advice or recommendations are greatly appreciated. Forgot to mention, im back to bulking. So I'm looking to add more size as the cycle progresses
I would go with var if you decide to do that. I really like var in the 80-100mg a day range. Awesome pumps and I just feel full and vascular.
I would go with var if you decide to do that. I really like var in the 80-100mg a day range. Awesome pumps and I just feel full and vascular.

That's what I was recommended but was told that tbol would add more size. I'll just do the var at the end of this and maybe kick off the next one with tbol. Thanks bud
That's what I was recommended but was told that tbol would add more size. I'll just do the var at the end of this and maybe kick off the next one with tbol. Thanks bud

Never used tbol but good luck. I'd be interested to see how you like it.
Tbol is good to go, I'm only running it at 40mg a day and have been seeing solid gains, I think it's 6/53 androgenic/ anabolic and it doesn't have really any estrogen conversion and its easy on the liver. I'm only 12 days into my cycle right now but I noticed with the tbol I haven't had the bloat problem with test that I did at the beginning of my last cycle.

How are your strength gains so far on squats and bench?

Keep up the good work!
Tbol is good to go, I'm only running it at 40mg a day and have been seeing solid gains, I think it's 6/53 androgenic/ anabolic and it doesn't have really any estrogen conversion and its easy on the liver. I'm only 12 days into my cycle right now but I noticed with the tbol I haven't had the bloat problem with test that I did at the beginning of my last cycle.

How are your strength gains so far on squats and bench?

Keep up the good work!

This was my deload week. I did high volume this week to get an awesome pump which was insane everyday. Literally thought my forearm was going to explode haha I will be testing strength again this upcoming week, but I can tell I've gotten stronger because I'm doing a lot more reps on dips and pullups before tiring out. Not to mention all the stretch marks showing up EVERYWHERE.

What's your cycle again? Test, tbol, and eq?
You get any oil for your stretch marks yet?

I'm running..
Tbol 40 mg Ed weeks 1-4
Test E 600 mg per week, weeks 1-14 may extend 2 weeks
EQ 450 mg per week, weeks 1-12 may extend 2 weeks as well
You get any oil for your stretch marks yet?

I'm running..
Tbol 40 mg Ed weeks 1-4
Test E 600 mg per week, weeks 1-14 may extend 2 weeks
EQ 450 mg per week, weeks 1-12 may extend 2 weeks as well

Yeah I got some coconut oil I'm gonna start using. Those suckers are getting bad! Haha

I hope your cycle goes well. Dont forget to donate blood when you get a chance. I'm sure you know that though :D
Nice to hear you have Lady Tren dialed in Metal! Can't wait to seethe final results of the cycle when paired with a 3J diet!!!
Yeah I got some coconut oil I'm gonna start using. Those suckers are getting bad! Haha

I hope your cycle goes well. Dont forget to donate blood when you get a chance. I'm sure you know that though :D

Haha glad I only have 1 stretch mark so far. Thanks for the advice, gonna donate for the first time around week 6 or 7 when my RBC is too high and I feel like shit haha
Haha glad I only have 1 stretch mark so far. Thanks for the advice, gonna donate for the first time around week 6 or 7 when my RBC is too high and I feel like shit haha

With EQ you'll def want to donate blood, maybe more than once depending on how your body responds. You'll def need some blood work Too, Please don't skip it and cycle safely brother :)
Cycle is still going strong. Insomnia has kicked in the past few nights. I've also been lethargic as fuck! I'll be going in for bloodwork in about 2 weeks
Cycle is still going strong. Insomnia has kicked in the past few nights. I've also been lethargic as fuck! I'll be going in for bloodwork in about 2 weeks

Good to hear MH. Insomnia and lethargy suck. Cortisol is messing with you big time. Looking forward to seeing blood results man. Keep it up and stay powerful.