Mister69's Log

bike- 4 minutes
Hack squats(deep pause)- #6 3x15 (short rests)

leg extensions- #6 1x15 (no rest between this set and last set of hacks)

Seated leg curls- #50 2x10

Adductors- #150 1x20

standing calf raises- #140 1x20

hs abs- #8 2x20
bike- 20 minutes heart rate 115-120

Stretched before durring and after workout. Hammies feels great (knock on wood).
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Honestly, I am confident that the way my leg routine went today is what i am going to do for the next 8 week heavy session. Only reason i am playing it on the safe side is so that i can train around it and still beat my #'s each week at this higher rep range.

As for deadlifts I am going to have to play it by ear because anything above 225# last time bothered me, but that was about 4 weeks ago about.
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This week is my last "light week" and next monday i go at it to failure and really hard.

GOing to step on the scale second week of my heavy session :-\
Along with the heavier lifting that is the best time to up your caloric intake a bit, it should help you put on more size.
flat wide bench- #185 1x15

Dips- bw+30# 1x15

close grip bench- #135 1x15

Front raises- #20 1x15

Dragging ass all damn day....still doing some light weight stuff and not liking it, but joints are feeling a lot better. 1 more workout of this high rep bs lol.
cybex seated row- #11 1x15

narrow grip reverse pulldowns- #160 2x10

Ez bar curls- #55 1x15

rear delt work- #20 1x15

forearm curls - #20 1x15

Calves- #140 1x20
hs abs- #6 2x25

feel good, nice short workout. Next monday I am back at my 8 week session w\some changes.
As far as how i feel, i feel refreshed and joints feel good.

As for the hammie, still a nagging tightness,but i just stretch hams about 3 times daily. It sux, but its what i have to do.
mister69 said:
As far as how i feel, i feel refreshed and joints feel good.

As for the hammie, still a nagging tightness,but i just stretch hams about 3 times daily. It sux, but its what i have to do.

that's good.

as far as the hammy, man that is a stubborn leg you got there.

i know you answered this 100 times by now. i got to ask, where exactly is this hammy bothering you? up high by the glute, in the middle or low?