Chest supported rows- 1x10 #3plates, 1x6 #3plates+35lbs (more weight next week)
reverse grip narrow pulldowns- #15 1x14r\p (more weight next week)
cybex preacher- 1x30r\p #3 (more weight next week)
reverse curls- #30 1x12 (more weight next week)
leg press calves- 4plates 1x12 (more weight next week)
rear delt work- #20 2x20 (more weight next week)
hs abs- #7 2x30
-DC stretches-
back- 60 seconds
bis- 60 seconds
forearm- #45 60 seconds
No deadlifts just yet, the way i look at it right now (knock on wood) my hammie feels the best it ever has ...and this is allowing me to do legs. So i dont want to push deads also and then be set back...so i am going to focus on these heavy rows and then go back to deads soon.
Well i guessed wrong on almost all the exercises, the preacher curls were too light. So being that it is my first week back, i am still dialing in the weights, so next week i should be right where i need to be. Other than that all is going well meals are in so far, but i still gotta eat a few more meals not sure whatt to have post workout, mabey a tripple from wendys w\a potato :-0. Feeling alot fuller in the morning being as i started adding a little oats in my pre bed shake, plus i have upped my olive oil intake to about 8 tbsp's daily.
I really hope when i step on the scale soon that I am up some lbs