Mister69's Log

a few weeks back i believe i hit #335 5x1 with a deep pause, never actually did a 1 rep max on any of my big three
t-bar rows- 4 plates+35lbs 1x5,1x4

wide pulldowns- #16 1x13r\p

cybex preacher machine- #5 1x26r\p

hammer db curls- #60 1x8

rear delt work- #20 1x20

calves leg press- 4 plates+20 1x12

abs- #10 3x10

-DC stretches-

back-60 sec
bis- 60 sec
forearms- #45 for 60 sec

no deads or prosterior chain work today,letting that injury rest. Nice cheat meal later tonghit prob some pizza. UFC tonight 8-11pm cant wait to see TITO and KEN yell at each other!!
Its official i have an eating problem lol.

Me and my buddy went to a pizza shop and picked up a 24 inch peperonni pie and a 12 inch chicken cuttlet sanwhich.

THe owner of the place was like how many poeple you feeding we were like ummm 2 ..he looked terrifyed.

Last night me and my training partner finished all the food!

Nice and carbed up today :)
mister69 said:
Its official i have an eating problem lol.

Me and my buddy went to a pizza shop and picked up a 24 inch peperonni pie and a 12 inch chicken cuttlet sanwhich.

THe owner of the place was like how many poeple you feeding we were like ummm 2 ..he looked terrifyed.

Last night me and my training partner finished all the food!

Nice and carbed up today :)
lol, thats classic..reminds me of a time me and my lifting partener(when i was in a military school) went to a taco bell and i ordered 1st..i got enough food for say 4 ppl..and my partener was behind me and then a family was behind him..well after i ordered the cashier looked to the family and started to ask them what they wanted to order and my partener was like ummm... i'd like to put in my order now..the poor kids eyes about shot out of head in disbelief..ha ha ha he order as much if not mor ethan i did. we ate it all...

front squats- 185#2x12, #165 1x12(tryed to get 20 repper but couldnt breathe bar was chokin me)

Leg ext- #13 1x20, #19 1x10, #rack+5lbs 2x7

seated leg curls- #50 2x10

adductors- #205 1x25

abs heavy machine- #8 2x20
calves standing- 1x12 #155
bike- 20 min (heart rate 120)

-dc stretches-
quads- 60 sec
hams- 60 sec


Well hammie feels fine, and front squats gave zero pain what so ever. Switched to seated leg curls cause trying to see what i can do that works with my injury. Went very light on seated leg curls. I tryed to get 20 reps on the front squats but coulndt breathe plus dont want to re-injure myself.

I dont like making excuses at all, but feel that my leg routine is laggin due to this injury but there is nothing i can do ...so still taking it very slow.

As of right now the hammie feels fine, no pain at all...just a bit sore after sitting down for a long period of time....but the excessive stretchin is def helping.

Hope this damn thing heals 100% soon, I didnt expect it to last 3 months.
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69 just take it a day at a time bro..your doing better than i did, when i blew a major blood vessel under my right pec. the injury put me out for about 3 months and i stayed out of the gym about another 2 months before i decided i needed to go back to the gym..it was hard to get back in the gym and even more upsetting to almost start over from scratch after such a long lay off. so just take it easy man, and keep doing what your doing.
board press- #325 2x2 (held my breath..dont know why)

incline wide grip- #225 1x10

cybex shoulder press- #15 1x12

tricep v-pushdown- #150 1x25, 1x20

crunches- 2x50

-DC Stretches-
chest- #50 for 60 seconds
tris- #30 for 60 seconds
shoulders- 60 seconds

Clearly overtrained...this is week 8 and elbows are sore and #'s are down a bit.. SO next week i am scheduled to take off and just eat.