Mister69's Log

Wed 5/10

warmup bike- 5 minutes
hack squats (paused)- #9 3x15 (add weight next week)

leg extensions- #19 3x15 (more weight next week)

seated leg curls- #60 2x10 (more weight next week)

adductors- #210 1x25 (more weight next week)

standing calves- #160 1x12 (more weight next week)

hs abs- 2x30 #7

treadmill- fast paced walk 3.5incline 1.8 speed 20 minutes

Been sick past few days so i am doing Wed\thurs\sat. Beat all last weeks #'s so i am happy. My training partner said that the hack squats I did w\ease but he doesnt understand i am trying to build back up from this injury. Seated leg curls felt great on the hammie. Hammie feels fine right now and i been done since 7. Had a cheat meal after the workout at Wendy's woops lol. Readdy to eat again in a little bit.
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:mad: I wish I could eat those bad boys, but I'm afraid of all the fat intake I'd get from even one of them. What I usually have is a number 5(grilled chicken), subsitute the fries for a chili, plain baked potato and an unsweetened iced tea. Pretty good stuff :)
i hear ya, but its hard for me to gain weight....so what i do is throw in a cheat meal here and there. This along with olive oil, and red meat helps.
Nice work 69. Are you doing the DC calf work with the extreme stretch for that 1x15? I've been reading up on the stretches, good stuff!!
i dont know why, but i am freaking hungry as hell still, just put back 1\2lb of hamburger and a big salad w\4tbsp of olive oil. Knocked it all back w\some nice green tea.
If you can eat more then you should eat more--especially if you are trying to gain weight. Just keep what you are eating wholesome and nutritious--fast food is barely food.
wide bench- 2x10 #255 (more weight next week)

dips- #90 2x10 (more weight next week)

cybex military- #13 1x11 (keep weight)

close grip bench- 15r\p #215 (keep weight)

hs abs- #8 2x30

-DC stretches-
chest- #50 60 seconds
tris- #30 60 seconds
shoulders- 60 seconds

Felt good today..man i was grinding away for each last rep on dips\close grips\and military but i made it through cause I HAVE NO CHOICE. Gym is closed tomorrow. SO that means back on sunday then start up fresh on monday w\legs. Cant do calves on back day on sunday cause i have leg on monday. I got about 3 lbs of ground beef to cook today, then i have to marinate the 3lbs of steaks i have overnight so i can cook them tomorow. This along with all the exams is hard, but i make it happen cuase i need to get stronger. Next week i will def be hitting up a bagle shop back home and chow down on some good salt bagles w\cream cheese :-)
Nice work 69, keep shoveling dwon that food, your weight will go up. What's your grocery bill like each week, quality protein costs $.
thanks guys;

Today i spent working on the apt sanding painting. Had an early exam as well, and i have been busy doing other work. My meals have been ok, just been eating. Tomorrow got back. So i am going to make sure to keep eating up untill bed at about 3am. I should hit meal 6 at about 3am.

Man my schedule is all over the place , but i am still eating and working out :-)

chest supported rows- 3plates +15lbs 1x10, 4plates 1x6

reverse pulldowns- 13r\p #16

cybex preacher- 27r\p #4

reverse cable curls- #30 1x12

rear delt work- #25 2x20

crunches- 2x50

-DC stretches-
back- 60 seconds
bis- 60 seconds
forearms- #45 for 60 seconds

Nice and low volume 7 sets total :-). Felt really sluggish today its been raining over here for the past week straight. I was the only guy in the gym today felt good. I beat all of last weeks #'s so i am a happy man.