Mister69's Log

8/7 sunday

squats- 355lbs 1x5,1x6
front squats-1x15+5 r\p @ 185lbs (had to let the bar drop at 15 cause it was choking me )
gm's-2x10 225 lbs
calves-1x12 leg press calf raises 4 plates
cable crunches-2x20 90lbs
hanging knee raises-2x25

Moved my workouts to sund,mon, wed this week cause i am going to Canada at the end of the week for a few days...so gotta get those workouts in.
Today is a cheat day so before i worked out got to go to wendys and muscle down some cheese burgers. Squats felt like 1000lbs today :-0 but my legs feel great today.. The front squats left some nice reminder marks on my delts . Out to finish the rest of my cheat day with some pizza ice cream cake wendys whatever i can get my hands on. Probably gonna hold some water tomorrow and tues from this nice cheat day but wahtever .
flat pause bench-285 2x5
close grip bench- 2x10 250lbs
hammer grip db press- 100's 2x10

military-1x10 180lbs

cable crunches 2x20 90lbs

hanging knee raieses 4x25
crunches 1x50


legs are not as sore as i would have thought from yesterday but hopefully tomorrow i wont be able to walk :)
Looking a bit flat today for some reason so threw in some extra dex to my shake tonight.
Over these last months i have been paying attentino to my body and watching it grow. Seems that my chest\delts\tris\back\bis grow well and are able to stick with same routines for longer. As for my legs they demand more frequent slight changes; that is fine with me as long as leg #'s move up I am happy cuase these shredded legs need mo mass lol
8/10 wed

deads off the floor- 365lbs 1x8, 425 1x2 (my mind wanted to go for three but my body wouldnt move lol)

pull thrus- 120lbs 2x10

seated cable rows- 2x8 260lbs(got a nice stretch on the negative like arnold does :-l )

narrow grip reverse pulldowns- 2x8 250lbs

standing bb curls- 1x12 115lbs

hammer db curls- 65lbs 1x12

heavy abs cable crunches- 2x20 90lbs

hanging knee raises-2x20


As for my leg routine, those front squats are not working out for me just cuase they choke me too much and i focus on that rather than getting my reps....I may just go back to my 20 rep leg press as assistant movement, or low box squats mabey 2x5 or mabey 1x20 not sure yet but we will see.

good day hit my #'s on my set of 8 of deads so i am happy.

Actually warmed up on a 3 inch platform (2plates) with 135 and 185 just to get the feel and screw around....felt pretty damn cool and seems as if it focuses on low end power. I can see myself doing these in the future :)
Its sad when you know what variations of core movements you have lined up for like the next 6 months lol; that along with mass goals.
I also rode the bike for a few just to get some blodd moving.
Off for a vacation tomorrow morning so got all my workouts in for the week and i am ready to just relax. Unfortunalty i wont be able to bring my shakes\vitamins etc...but hey it will be a change to eat like a normal person 3 times a day.. Hope i dont loose any weight lol. (only gone till sunday afternoon)
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thanks pb

these next few leg sessions I will find out what i like best for that 2nd leg movement, but one thing is for sure i will find out what hits great! to get these legs moving :)

Fronts\zerchers , leg press @ 1x20, or low box squats 2x5 would like to try 1x20 but dont know...pb is wide stance necessary on box or just keep shoulder width like regular squats?
8/18 legs

squats-355lbs 1x3, 1x2
leg press-8 plates 1x20 ss
gm's- 2x10 225lbs
cable crunches- 2x20 90lbs
calves-1x12 seated calf raises 2 plates

just getting over being sick and my #'s show it. Worst workout i have had in a while but its ok cause i am only at about 80% or so.

Aside from looking about 10lbs lighter cause i am so god damn flat i guess it was an ok legs day. Just going to carb load these next few days in order to get back to where i was.

Man not hitting your #'s doenst feel good :flamingma
mister69 said:
thanks pb

these next few leg sessions I will find out what i like best for that 2nd leg movement, but one thing is for sure i will find out what hits great! to get these legs moving :)

Fronts\zerchers , leg press @ 1x20, or low box squats 2x5 would like to try 1x20 but dont know...pb is wide stance necessary on box or just keep shoulder width like regular squats?

either way is fine on box squats. mix um if you like
mister69 said:
8/18 legs

squats-355lbs 1x3, 1x2
leg press-8 plates 1x20 ss
gm's- 2x10 225lbs
cable crunches- 2x20 90lbs
calves-1x12 seated calf raises 2 plates

just getting over being sick and my #'s show it. Worst workout i have had in a while but its ok cause i am only at about 80% or so.

Aside from looking about 10lbs lighter cause i am so god damn flat i guess it was an ok legs day. Just going to carb load these next few days in order to get back to where i was.

Man not hitting your #'s doenst feel good :flamingma

we all have off days. mine was yesterday. just didnt feel it so i just sorta cruised.

those gms came up from a few weeks ago. :D
thanks pb,

That is going to be my leg routine from now on..its the same bread butter routine you suggested and hell...it does the trick so i am goin to stick with what works. ANd gotta love those sets of 20 on leg press. I would love to do so much more on legs cuase i love working out, but low volume just plain works!

Sept 1st pizza whole milk and all out bulking !!! cant wait
flat pause bench-285 1x3,1x2 (wrists hurt like a mofo need wrist wraps)

close grip bench- 1x8,1x9 250lbs
hammer grip db press- 100's 2x10

military-1x8 180lbs

heavy abs cable crunches -2x20 90lbs

still gotta order those damn wrist wraps keep forgeting.
8/20 back\hams\bis

road the bike for a few minutes then stretching between warm up sets

rack pulls- 1x6 395lbs
1x2 435lbs

heavy abs cable crunches- 2x20 90lbs

pull thrus- 120lbs 2x10 (ripped my shorts on these lol)

seated cable rows- 2x8 260lbs

narrow grip reverse pulldowns- 1x6, 1x7 250lbs
seated wide preacher curls machine-1x10 110lbs

reverse curls wide preacher machine- 1x10 70lbs

still playing around with calf work cause i lack good genetics in this area.
Tryed reps of 10 ending with a 60 second weighted stretch....lets see if this works


off to see the ufc fight tonight at hooters and gonna see if i can eat like 50 wings lol.

I am pulling for My boy chuck lidell to knock out horn.. as long as horn doenst get chuck down chuck will do well. And horn has to be an idiot to stand with lidell. Plus lidell has the best take down defense in the game ....
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8/22 legs

squats-355lbs 1x5,1x4
leg press- 9 plates 1x20 SS (going to add another plate next week)
gm's- 235lbs 2x10
cable crunches -90lbs 2x20
seated calves-3x10 100lbs
standing calves-3x10 500lbs
weighted (100lbs) 90 second extreme stretch on seated calf machine

#'s are moving and i am happy. Squats a bit slower, but leg press and gm's are going so the squats will come. I am going back to school on sunday so gotta go gym shopping..found a gym for 30$$ a month gonna see how it is. GOtta stock up on supplements . for my all out bulk..this is what ia m going to stock up on

-CEE bulk powder
-Joint support
-whey protein from ALL THE WHEY

-bulk glutamine powder
-olive oil

and going to be starting my all out bulk this sunday hope it goes well... still on the fence as to weather or not i am training MMA or not, but either way i will be doing maintenence cardio 2x a week low intensity for 30minutes a pop.That along with a carb cutoff at 6pm or so I should do just fine. I plan to bulk till Jan 1st then cut till april 1st then clean bulk through summer 06..As for my meals durring my bulk i will stick to whole eggs\pb sandwhiches on whole weat\pizza\whole milk\burgers\burritos\steaks\potatoes\lots of pasta salad\and nice leafy greens.

what u think boyz :insane2:
yeah i love that 1x20 on leg press; i used to do them rest pause, but straight sets are great!! I am gonna see how much i can get up to doing 1x20 of leg press :) once i hault on that i am gonna try 1x20 of low box squats...
no lifting today, just had a few things to take care of with my internship at the Probation office...looks like I am going to be doing some Field work and dealing with the criminals ..looking foward to this.

Missed a few meals today but made up with some mexican food and outback :)
making some slight changes to my chest\shoulder\tris day -

didnt get my wrist wraps yet..so I am going to use ace bandages to wrap my wrists today...think it will get the job done

here is as follows

bench wide grip- 2x5 or 6
inlcine\decline wide grip- 2x8-10(i would love to go lower reps, but i think the heavy flat will work just fine) alternating every other week between decinel and incline

close grip bench- 2x10
upright rows- 2x10

How wide to grip the upright rows? I usually like to do about the same as close grip bench if ya know what i mean

Other than that hows the changes look?
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