Mister69's Log

i did flat then incline for awhile and loved it threw some decline work every now n then.those 3 alt. does it for me.as for uprights a closer grip gets more delt wider more back or so i've been told.i always do em the way you said it.
8/24 chest\tris\delts

flat wide grip - 2x6 315lbs (only got 2x3 clean)
decline wide grip- 265 2x10 (more weight next week)
tri push downs- 90lbs 1x18, 1x19
upright rows- 2x10 95lbs
heavy abs cable rope things- 2x20 90lbs


well all i gotta say is that is the most weight i ever benched and after decline delts tris and chest were fryed.

Do you guys think the volume is too high, cause i dont wanna overtrain.?
its still the same amt of work just a bit different exercises....All based on basic pb routines.

spending time infront of the plate is whats gonna keep me moving :)
I really thought you had that 4th rep in you buddy but guess you'll just have to save that for next week. Oh and that decline seem like it was a little lite so definately up the weight next week. Tomorrow's my leg day and ur pullin so eat up and keep those calories high today!
yup. keep working 90# til you get it up to a set of 30 or more, 1 set will be fine. you can r/p these if you like.
will do pb....thanks

good thing that didnt take 134 pages to explain lol...just had a laugh about the "x " rep thingy
what the hell can someone find to write 136 pages about for one routine? loui is as long winded as anybody and his papers are normally less than a page.
the only other long piece of writing for some sort of rotuein i have seen is cycle for pennies by Dante and thats 300+ pages a few years old but still long as hell
it covers all aspects of lifting, eating, sleep, stretching, drugs, etc... and a lot of the stuff is stated over and over again. i was there following along while it was being written. :D
8/26 back\hams\bis

road the bike for a few minutes then stretching between warm up sets

deads- 1x7 375lbs raw w\chalk
1x4 425lbs raw w\chalk

heavy abs cable crunches- 2x20 90lbs

pull thrus- 120lbs 1x10, 130lbs 1x10
seated cable rows- 270lbs 1x8, 1x7

narrow grip reverse pulldowns- 1x6 250lbs, 1x8 230 (gym was empty so no one could pull down the weight for the first rep)

seated wide preacher curls machine-1x10 120lbs

reverse curls wide preacher machine- 1x9 70lbs

rear delt work-2x20 20lbs db's

quick 3 hour session today :-0
Got yelled at by the guys upstairs cuase the weights were making too much noise while deadlifting. ITs ok caues as of sunday i am back up at school and then joinnig a new gym..hope the guys there like deadlifts cuase i will be loading up lots of weight .
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hitting legs tomorrow.

I am back at school so its time to find a new gym.

I start bulking tomorrow so we will see how i do.

Not sure if i am going to be doing any cardio, cuase doesnt look like i am training martial arts due to my funds. But for now my plan is to not do any cardio and just stick to carb cutoffs anywhere from 6pm-7pm while bulking. If i see that i am getting too "smooth" looking then i will add two 30 minute cardio low intensity sessions.

As for my mini cutting phase lined up in january i am going to just have my diet on point and take a basic Ephedrine hcl\caffeine stack, nothing fancy just take a pill of ephedrine with a cup of coffee 2-3 times daily along with lowering carbs.

BUt the mission on hand is to get bigger for now :)