Mister69's Log

took you months \years to put on muscle mass...doesnt take 4 days to loose it....just carb up for a few days after beign sick and double the water intake and you will be back to normal...
Tomorrow I start the grind 8-10 weeks

Here is my next 8-10 week routine (basic pullinbig routine)

Monday- legs

Free weight squats- 1x14, 1x10

45 degree hack squats- 1x25

SLDL- 2x15

Adductors- 1x25-30

Calves- 1x8-10, 1x30
heavy abs- 2x20

Wed- Chest\delts\tris

Flat wide pause bench- 2x6
Hammer strength incline chest press- 2x10
Hammer strength military- 1x10-15
reverse grip bench- 1x20-25r\p
heavy abs- 2x20

rack pulls\floor deads- 1x14, 1x10

chest supported t-bar rows- 1x10, 1x6

pullthrus- 2x20

hammer strength close grip pulldown- 1x11-15 r\p

machine curls-1x 20-30r\p

reverse 1 arm cable curls- 1x12

rear delt machine- 2x20
heavy abs- 2x20

adjustments will be needed around week 5-6. I will make the necessary adjustments and drop the exercise when it goes stale.
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Here is the thing, my hamstring injury is about 90% healed, but seems to get sore when i sit down for too long (assuming it is scar tissue) so i upped the rep range in order to stay safe and to get as strong as possible in that partuclar rep range.

Its not what i want to do , but kinda what i have to do.

squats- 235# 1x14, 255# 1x10

45 degree hack squats- 145# 1x20

sldl- #185 2x12

donkey calf raises- 1x8 #144
Standing calf raises- 1x30 #35

heavy abs- 2x50 #35

-DC stretches-
quads- 60 seconds
hams- 60seconds

felt good, great to be back. No adductors becuase it is broken.
This is all shitty light weight, and I am not happy,but coming off an injury sux.
You are back to hitting heavier weights now, right? You getting your leg checked up? It feels like it's been forever since it's been injured.

Good workout today.
My best guess is its scar tissue so that is why i feel a not\sore at times when i sit down for a long time.

Going to get checked out at an ortho over here this week; just to be on the safe side. I mean, if i am able to do ass to grass squating sldls, and rack deads then i think i am fine, but nothing wrong with getting checked out once again.
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mister69 said:

squats- 235# 1x14, 255# 1x10

45 degree hack squats- 145# 1x20

sldl- #185 2x12

donkey calf raises- 1x8 #144
Standing calf raises- 1x30 #35

heavy abs- 2x50 #35

-DC stretches-
quads- 60 seconds
hams- 60seconds

felt good, great to be back. No adductors becuase it is broken.
This is all shitty light weight, and I am not happy,but coming off an injury sux.

injuries and training around them is part of the game. anyone who has been training long knows this all too well. you doing it right though.