my bulk with 3J...inside!


New member
my bulk with 3J...saga pics inside!!

hey guys..
so i've been with 3J now for almost 6 months..i started out at 92kg's and bulked naturally till 96kg's...then i decided to get on my first test cycle and keep i am half way through my cycle and my weight is up to 106kg's...

infotunately i dont have very good 'after' pics.. will try to get better ones soon.

sitting at 92kg's@13% body fat



currently just finished week 8 of cycle...106kg's (unknown body fat)


once the bulk is done..i'd like to slowly bring my body fat down to a easilly maintainable 12-14%...hopefully i will be able to hang on to as much lean mass as possible...with 3J helping me..i know my task is much easier.

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hahahahahahahahaha youve become a BEAST... AN ABSOLUTE BEAST!!!

for all you guys out there that say you cant eat this food and that food.. let me tell you that browns food choices are limited where he lives... he is extremely dedicated in his work... and it shows...

nothing like a whole foods diet plus will power to make you look beastly..

great work!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you boss..i's a bit of a fatty now...not fitting into all my clothes hehe...cant wait to start cutting...

dont you just hate it when people who dont know shit about training see you after a long time and tell you that you've put on weight...i just smile and dont bother commenting..inside i am like "fuck off you muppet" :finger:
You look great! This shows pure motivation and will power!! It's clients like you that make 3J's Nutrition Network such a success!

From the staff at 3J's NN, Thank YOU! and keep up the good work

-Madam 3J
once we are done bulking and we cut you down again your gonna look like your ready for a show...

im proud of you bro!!! you've done very well..

i dunno wtf those people are thinking saying that to you.. they're hating.. you look swole..

not to mention that your waist hasn't moved over 36inches since we started.. fuck them.. thats the way i see it!!!!!!
With enough dedication and a kick ass diet anyone can look like that. Again well done! Another 3Js Nutrition Network success story!
You can definitely see you have added a nice amount of muscle. It will become clear when you do the cut and then compare pics at around the same body fat.

Nice work!
You have put alot of mass on there. well done. Another customer of 3J with great comments!! I havn't seen one person unhappy with his services.
LOL...come on now fellas...just turned 47..thats many years in the sweat 12yr old took my avi pic in my garage after a heavy chest session 1 day..:)
this week was taken @ week 19....5 days after my last test shot. this is @110kg's. will try to hang on to as much as i can (with 3j's help) and plan my cut once post cycle therapy (pct) is done..
