My first cycle - test e 500mg week


Hi everyone I'm Snoot and behold my first ever cycle of test...

Stats -

Age - 20
Weight - 81kg - 179lb
Height - 6ft
Training experiance - 5 years, 2 of which have been fairly serious
BF - between 9+11%.

Training -

4 sessions per week. Primary workout (back, chest, shoulders) followed b
y tris or bis

Example of day 1 - chest + biceps

Bench press - 5x5 220lb. Max bench is 260
Seated chest press - 5x5 246lb
Incline dumbells - 5x5 84lb each arm
Leaned over pec fly with machine - 220lb

Bicep curls - 61lb each arm. 8 reps per arm
Square bar curls - 100lb 5x5
Ez curl - raincheck on that I can't remember what the bar weighs

I might change my training methods judging by some of the comments below to 3 x 6-8 reps. Maybe 5x5 on compounds

Diet -

3500 cals per day 180g protein.

My cycle -

1-15 - 500mg 250mg x 2
17-21 - nolvadex 40/40/20/20
liquidex on hand in case of bad bloat/ gyno
Also supplementing creatine on/off

I have started this cycle already I will give details in next post.

Please feel free to give critisism :)
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Cycle start - 11th may 2012

Very psychologically demanding to do this (I'm not the type of person to give a fuck and it still took me 30 mins alltogether)
1st injection 250mg into right thigh
Slight pain lasts 2-3 days because of newb muscles, no big deal.

No real effects barr psychological as of yet
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Monday 14th may

Do my second pin. I try to do glutes, relatively painless though much more difficult and awkward. I aspirate and draw blood and think - fuck this I'm doing quad again.
Injection into left quad goes in nicely. some newb muscle pain which I still have though nothing serious
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Snoot Yeaaaaaaaa brother u got a log cool. I agree with ironreps on volume. I think u should keep it 3 sets 6-8 reps strict form no jerking . Remember more ain't better. 5 sets is alot I feel now if once in a while u throw in 5 sets for a weaker body part then cool. Remember keep ur diet tight and trainin strict . Forget about numbers . Leave ur ego outside don't let other distract u with there bullshit.
Ya think? Would 5x5 be classified as overtraining, even on cycle? I've been doing it for the past month and I'm not sure if its better or worse that 3x8 lol.

How many excersizes would you reccomend per muscle group? Is 5 too much/too little?
I wanna make sure I get this right when things start getting real lol.
Thanks for your input bro!
I do 4-5 excersie per body part. 5 for chest back legs 4 for bicep tricep shoulders , I keep it simple. 1 nice warm up set 15 reps and then 3 sets 6-8 reps. I feel if ur in the gym for
More than a hr ur restin too much talkin smack. U need to be in then zone when ur in there. If u bullshit all ur lifts will lack power since ur not focus. My opinion.
That's pretty much how I used to do it myself. The 5x5 was an idea by my training bud to mix things up a bit, kind of shock our bodies.
Hard to focus in my gym, the amount of 18 yo girls walking about wearing their tight fitted running bottoms... Jk seriously though I get whatcha mean bro. No point in going if your gonna dick around...
Just keep the volume low and the lifts heavy and intense. You're pretty lean man so you need to be using those calories for growth instead of spending them all in the gym.
With the 5x5 routine you should really only pick one big exercise to do the 5x5.
For example on Chest/Biceps:
5x5 Decline Bench
2x10-12 Incline DB Press
2x10-12 DB Fly
2x10-12 BB Curl
2x10-12 Hammer Curl

The bicep is a small muscle man. It doesn't take a lot at all to stimulate growth. Once you start doing more, you're not allowing any recovery.
Im a big fan of 5x5 but you should limit it to only the largest compound exercise for each bodypart (squat, BP, Row) not each different exercise.
Ok great imput guys thanks for the opinions. I think ill take your advice and lower my. Sets and increase the reps to 6-8 like jadakiss said, its the most familiar training method to me.
How often do you all personally train per week on cycle?
And I know its hard to say, but any ideas how much lb I could add to my max bench by the 15th week? I'm hoping to get it to around 290 if possible or would this be a bit too much?
I eat like a horse as it is, maybe half my diet is from shitty foods (well not shitty foods more stuff like full fat milk, full eggs, white rice and the occasional bar of chocolate) and half from good foods but I still make up the 3500 and 180g. I get my monthly wage next month so ill have about 300 to improve my diet for the month (around 500 dollars) I spent all my last wage on my gear and other things because I didn't expect to start as early as I did.
Seeing as I'm bulking anyway it doesn't really matter that some of my food at the minute is shit does it as long as I eat my macros?
If I were u hit up 3j with ur diet plan and let him decide if it's a go. Truly bro I hired 3j for my diet plan and it's the most important part I believe. There's no way eating shitty food and rich good food is the same macros . One is going to spill over as fat while the other is going to assist in building muscle.
What way does 3j work? Like how much is it and whatnot? I'm fairly moneyless for the next 2 weeks I was thinking of hitting him up though
Just pm him. If u really want to maximize this cycle ur diet needs to be in check look at the diet thread he put up a free advice.
20 years old?.. I won't judge, I've done dumber shit than gear at 20...But correct my if I'm wrong but you don't squat or deadlift?!?!?!? or am I missing something...Also from your weight and %bf you will probably have to bump cals up around week8 to keep gains coming