my first GH cycle


New member

I project to do my first GH cycle; I'm 23, several cycles under my belt, and I hesitate...I got 200 UI free and I plan to use 2 UI for 3 months with T3, 1gr-750mg enanthate/w, deca phenylpropionate 400m-500mg/w( and maybe slin post workout)...what do u think: 2UI is sufficient for my age and for a first time user? or must I wait until 25-30 years old?
Pls comments mates
I don't know a whole lot about hg , but one thing I do know is your to young to be messin with it. I suggest you send the gh to me !! Right away !!
From what I've read I think 2iu is too small a dose for really building any mass, more of a maintainance dose. I started at 2iu, am at 3iu now, and am going to keep working up to 5iu or more
If you choose to use the GH, do atleast 4iu ed... and you want to use w/ high amount of androgens TEST< DROL, D_BOL etc...

especially if your not gona use slin/or not ready for it!...

I love the soma's myself:).... but like NS said anything less is more of a matenience dose, you could possible see fat loss, but there are far more cheaper alternatives for that reason!

best of luck