My next run! Starke Tren A and Test E

Hey brothers...had a sick ass back workout today. Didnt notice pumps from the dbol yet but Im sure that will come soon enough. Here is how my back workout went. Yes I train high volume and I love it!!

Pulldowns: 100x12,140x12,160x10,180x10,200x8
Seated V Bar Rows: 120x12,160x12,180,10,220x10,240x8
Hammer Strength Rows(uni-lateral): 1P+25x12,2Px12,3Px10,4x6,3Px12
Pullovers: 60x12,70x12,80x10,90x10,100x10
Underhand Bent Over Rows (FST-7): 135x10-12

I did calves after that and it was just a big ass drop set on the standing calf raise machine..went something like this:

Finished with 20 minutes on the step mill and my legs are already killing me from quad day. Will be getting bloodwork done tomorrow and will post it as soon as I get the results.
well they kept asking what do I want blood work for? I kept saying I was just curious how my liver enzymes, cholesterol, etc. were and they looked at me like I was stupid lol
Did a sick ass chest workout today. Went like this:

Decline Barbell Press: 135x15,185x12,225x10,245x10,265x8
Flat DB Press: 55x12,65x12,85x10,100x6
Hammer Incline Press: 1Px15,1P+25x12,2Px10,2P+10x10,2P+25x8
Another version of incline press: not sure about numbers
Pec Deck(FST-7): 90x10-12
well they kept asking what do I want blood work for? I kept saying I was just curious how my liver enzymes, cholesterol, etc. were and they looked at me like I was stupid lol

Thats why you use the cheap bloodwork sticky. Never tell the doc about your steroid use unless its life or death. It could screw you in the long run.
well they kept asking what do I want blood work for? I kept saying I was just curious how my liver enzymes, cholesterol, etc. were and they looked at me like I was stupid lol

Thats why you use the cheap bloodwork sticky. Never tell the doc about your steroid use unless its life or death. It could screw you in the long run. Good luck with your cycle. I will be running a tren/test cycle soon as well.
Hey brothers...had a sick ass back workout today. Didnt notice pumps from the dbol yet but Im sure that will come soon enough. Here is how my back workout went. Yes I train high volume and I love it!!

Pulldowns: 100x12,140x12,160x10,180x10,200x8
Seated V Bar Rows: 120x12,160x12,180,10,220x10,240x8
Hammer Strength Rows(uni-lateral): 1P+25x12,2Px12,3Px10,4x6,3Px12
Pullovers: 60x12,70x12,80x10,90x10,100x10
Underhand Bent Over Rows (FST-7): 135x10-12

I did calves after that and it was just a big ass drop set on the standing calf raise machine..went something like this:

Finished with 20 minutes on the step mill and my legs are already killing me from quad day. Will be getting bloodwork done tomorrow and will post it as soon as I get the results.

hey keep me updated with how the tren is treating ya, I myself to to use it as my second cycle. and my lifts are literly the same as yours lol
Did 3/4ml of tren and 50mg dbol today. Injected the tren into my tricep and had to train arms today....bad idea. But it was a great workout and i blasted the hell out of my arms. Here is how it went: And I superseted bis and tris so after one set of bis id do a set of tris.

Ez Bar Curl (FST-7): 95x10-12
Overhead DB Tricep Ext(FST-7): 35x10-12
DB Curls: 25x10,30x10,40x10,45x8,50x8
Skullcrushers: 115x10-12 (5 sets)
Straight Bar Cable Curls: 50x12,60x12,70x10,80x10,100x8
Straight Bar PD: 60x12,80x12,90x10,100x10,110x8
Rope Overhead Ext: 50x12,60x12,65x10,80x10,100x8
Ez Bar Curls (21s): 50x21 ( 5 sets)
Why did you get blood work after 1 day on cycle?

Never tell your doc. That will be in your records and can f up your insurance because they will claim everything was the result of steroid use.

Good luck on the cycle. Sounds like you are adding too many compounds to fast. Dbol will aromatize fast but you should be ok.

Cholesterol, Total: 187
LDL- Cholesterol: 123
Glucose: 90
Bun/Creatinine Ratio: 36
AST: 55
ALT: 49
Testosterone: 1138

So in short my cholesterol is too high and my liver and kidney are working too hard.
123 for LDL cholestrol is not high.....its a little above optimal, but not by much. And your total cholestrol is less than 200 which is fine for now. Below 200 is considered normal, if it goes above then you're starting to get high.

Your liver levels are somewhat high, prob from the dbol, but nothing to freak out about. You know your liver is going to be working harder when on an oral.
Get on some liv.52 if you're not already.
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thanks omega! i need to get some liv 52. i also need to get my back worked on so i dont have to take as much ibuprofen. they think thats why my kidney is working so hard
Yeah screw ibuprofen man, don't take that shit. What's wrong with your back? Are you getting back pumps?
Yeah screw ibuprofen man, don't take that shit. What's wrong with your back? Are you getting back pumps?

Nah man around last February I trained legs and the next day when I woke up I couldnt move. They thought it was either severe nerve damage or a slipped disc. I didnt have the money for an mri so the gave me corticos and some flexiril and i kept on training.
Hit hams and calves hard as hell today. Here is how it went:

Lying Leg Curls: 50x12,70x12,90x12,110x10,130x8
Seated Leg Curls: 50x15,70x12,90x12,110x10,70x15
Single Leg Curls: 30x12,50x12,70x10,80x8,90x6
Stiff Deads (Fst-7): 135x10-12
Seated Calve Raises(3 sets): 2Px25 (toes out), 2Px25 (toes in)
Standing Calve Raises: 230x12,260x12,290x8

After my blood work came back, ive backed off of the ibuprofen, cut the creatine, and bumped my water intake up drastically. My back was pumped more than usual today so thats a good sign. Havent weighed myself yet and probably wont for a good few weeks. Thanks for helping me out brothers.
You're doing some interesting stuff. 21s on curls and FST-7. Are you seeing good progress in size from these methods? I've never tried them.
You're doing some interesting stuff. 21s on curls and FST-7. Are you seeing good progress in size from these methods? I've never tried them.

Man it definitely helped my arms and chest out alot!! It actually helped balance my arm size because one of my arms used to be an inch bigger than the other one!