Hey brothers...had a sick ass back workout today. Didnt notice pumps from the dbol yet but Im sure that will come soon enough. Here is how my back workout went. Yes I train high volume and I love it!!
Pulldowns: 100x12,140x12,160x10,180x10,200x8
Seated V Bar Rows: 120x12,160x12,180,10,220x10,240x8
Hammer Strength Rows(uni-lateral): 1P+25x12,2Px12,3Px10,4x6,3Px12
Pullovers: 60x12,70x12,80x10,90x10,100x10
Underhand Bent Over Rows (FST-7): 135x10-12
I did calves after that and it was just a big ass drop set on the standing calf raise machine..went something like this:
Finished with 20 minutes on the step mill and my legs are already killing me from quad day. Will be getting bloodwork done tomorrow and will post it as soon as I get the results.