My next run! Starke Tren A and Test E

I guess I favored one arm more and was stronger with that same arm so it just made it worse haha
but they are both even now! i started using fst-7 after i saw that jay cutler used it and balance his right and left side back out because his right side was wayyyy smaller than his left
Trained quads today...back was pumped so back I could hardly squat!!

Leg Ext: 70x20,90x20,110x20,130x20,170x15
Leg Press: 3Px20,5Px15,7Px12,8Px12,7Px10,6Px10,5Px10,4Px12,3Px15
Squat: 135x20,225x15,275x12,315x10,225x12,135x20
Leg Press Machine: 150x20,210x12,270x10,320x10
Leg Ext (FST-7): 90x10-12
I took Sunday even though it was really hard on me...i love being in the gym but i know you grow out of the gym and not in it. I pinned 1 and a half cc test in my glute today and i am kicking my own ass for not doing glute shots was the most painless shot of ever done!
The weight is at a good 220 right now but I havent noticed anything yet from the dbol other than some pretty crazy back pumps
I trained back today and it felt amazing just because I was able to do deadlifts for the first time in over a year!! Too bad when I was doing back my back had the craziest pump ever..i couldnt even bend over!

PD: 100x15,140x12,160x12,180x10,200x8
Straight Bar Ext: 70x12,80x12,90x10,100x10,110x8
Hammer Row: 2Px12,3Px10,4Px8,3Px12,2Px15
Deads: 135x12,225x12,315x10,335x8,335x8 (my first time doing deads in a long time!! felt amazing but by the second set my back was incredibly pumped it was hard to get those things off of the ground!)
Seated Cable Rows (FST-7): 140x10-12
Trained chest and calves today. My body just felt great i dont know what it was. I felt strong, energized, and my mental state was like no other today!

flat db press: w/u 55x20, 75x15,85x12,100x10,110x6
flat db fly: 35x20,45x15,55x10,60x10
decline bb press: 135x20,225x10,245x8,275x6
hammer incline press: 1Px20, 2Px10,2P+10x10,3Px8
cable cross (fst-7): 50x10-12

standing calve raises: 150x15,210x12,250x12,270x10,290x10
seated calves raises: 3 sets: 2Px25(toes in) 2Px25 (toes out)
blasted arms today brothers!! I felt alot more moody today than usual and I kinda wanted to snap at everyone for every little thing. Im not a moody guy and Im very calm and reserved but jeez I just wanted to break something! Anyways the workout went like this.

PD: 60x12,70x12,80x12,120x12,130x12
Straight Bar Preacher: 50x12,60x12,70x10,80x10,90x8
Rope PD: 50x12,60x12,80x10,90x10,90x10
Machine Preachers: 50x15,70x12,90x12,110x10,110x10
DB Curls: 25x12,30x12,35x10,40x8,40x8
super setted w/ skullcrusher:115x10 (5 sets)
Ez Bar Curls (fst -7): 95x10-12
supersetted with overhead ext: 35x10-12

Finished the workout with 20 minutes and the stairmaster. My cardio is so much better now. I didnt do cardio at all my first cycle and it turned me to goo. Im keeping the cardio in this time. The weight was at 223 today but when I looked it the mirror I look so much leaner at this weight this time than the last time I was at that weight. Making great progress for only the 2nd week in. Thank you guys for going on this ride with me!
Im doing cardio 5 days a week man on the stairmaster! blows!

My diet is very basic as of now:
Meal 1: 1 cup oatmeal, 12 eggwhites, 1 cup grapefruit juice
Meal 2: 2 peanut butter sandwhiches, protein shake, and 2 bananas
Meal 3: 6 oz potato, 12 oz meat (maybe chicken, beef, or fish)
Meal 4: 6oz potato, 10 oz meat
Meal 5 (before i train): a protein shake with about 51 grams of protein.
Meal 6 ( after i train): 3 scoops protein with creatine, glutamine, and 3/4 cup of dextrose sugar.
Meal 7: 6 oz pasta, 10 oz meat, 2 bananas
Meal 8: 20 almonds, a yoplait low fat yogurt, and a protein shake

My carbs vary from day to day depending on what Im training but overall its a simple diet!...i dont change the protein but if i have a ton of carbs during the day i try to limit the fat but if i have a lot of fat that day i try and limit the carbs...its one or the other lol