My next run! Starke Tren A and Test E

everything seems to be going great guys! feeling stronger than ever and my cardio is not running out of breath moving from point a to point b. it is alittle hard walking around being since my back is pumped 24/7. ive completely cut out the ibuprofen ive been using for a year straight and i feel great. the only downfall i see right now is that i cant get more than about 4 hours of sleep at night. its like my brain just doesnt shut off at all and when i do sleep im usually sweating my ass off. good thing i get to take a few naps during the day!
Good to hear travis. Keep pushing it man, maybe one day you'll be like dahurt.
Was your dbol starke too?

Haha! He's bigger than me already! He's shorter and weighs more!

Trav good to hear about cutting out the ibuprofen. The pumps suck, taurine helped me, along with upping water (and I mean it feels like I'm literally constantly having to pee - but it's worth it).

Keep killing it'll be interesting when the tren kicks in...hopefully the sides aren't too much to handle!
yes sir everything i got is starke!
i hear you hurt about the water! after i saw my liver enzymes on my bloods and it alarmed me so i just walk around with a gallon jug of water. i couldnt tell you how much i go through!!
do you think it is the tren that is making it to where i cant sleep? i mean i literally cant sleep at all!
5days cardio plus liftin heavy I know it's hard. Are u doing cardio in the mornin? Are u shooting for a shredded look? Great log so far
5days cardio plus liftin heavy I know it's hard. Are u doing cardio in the mornin? Are u shooting for a shredded look? Great log so far

i not going for shredded so much.. i just dont wanna get fat like i did on my first cycle. Im more just keeping the cardio there for overall health and it allows me to eat more calories without putting on the fat imo
i usually just do cardio after i that time im starving so its kind of like doing it in the morning :bigok:
trained hams, forearms, and calves tonight guys. felt great the entire time. him them so hard my whole legs are cramping up right now. here is how it went down:

front loaded with fst-7 today..
lying leg curls(fst-7): 90x10-12
seated leg curls: 50x20,70x15,90x12,110x12,130x10
single leg curls: 40x12,50x12,60x10,80x10,90x8
stiff deads (5 sets) (really focused on the stretch and contraction): 135x10-12

Standing Calve Raises: (3 foot positions= 1 3 sets of this): 130x10 (feet out, then straight, then in)
Rotary Calves Raises: (same style as standing. 3 sets): 130x15 in each position.

Finished with 20 minutes on the stairmaster as usual. If yall are curious what kind of style I use for cardio its always hiit ( high intensity interval training). I will go 2 minutes all out and 1 minute relatively slow. I will do that for 20 minutes.
just a quick question for the cyclists out there... how long does it usually take for the boys downstairs to shrink up? Im only towards the end of week 2 and those things are freaking gone and i mean gone. i was searching for them earlier today... kind of freaked me out. Next run i need to run some hcg
Wow...was it like that on your first cycle also? I think mine have atrophied maybe a little but it's hard to say it could be in my head, and I'm in week 5 - I wonder if I should be worried then?
Wow...was it like that on your first cycle also? I think mine have atrophied maybe a little but it's hard to say it could be in my head, and I'm in week 5 - I wonder if I should be worried then?

man the first time it was no where near this! Mine atrophied a little but it was a lot later in the cycle. This time they are just completely gone! about as big as a quater :bawling:
have you gotten bloods laterly hurt?
No I haven't - I was thinking about getting mid-cycle blood work just because I'm curious to see what free test is...
haha maybe you just have high natural test - you are the resident youngin' ...but I wouldn't know man I'm a newb myself.