SB Time!
No...I just use the general principle, I didn't purchase the program or anything...I've actually heard the DVD isn't that useful.
Rep'd, thanks Hurt.
No...I just use the general principle, I didn't purchase the program or anything...I've actually heard the DVD isn't that useful.
Rep'd, thanks Hurt.
man you are doing great and strong to brother!!!
Don't bump the dbol. Getting greedy lol.
i just wanna be huge!! yea i guess 75mg is too much lol
im already having to drink over 2 gallons of water a day to keep my side from hurting!
i hate legs lol
Sorry if I missed this earlier in your thread, but are you taking taurine at all? 5g pre-workout helps me tremendously with back pumps while on dbol. As far as the testicular atrophy, its probably the tren. Deca did this to me bad compared to test and other roids. I was running hcg 250iu a week too. Awesome log man, I'm really liking this one.
Okay I had an amazing quad workout!! Even though my back was so pumped it made it hard for me to squat! Forget bumping the dbol! Every rep is performed with full range of motion. Squats are done until my hams touch my calves. Here is how it went down!
Leg Ext: 50x20,90x20,130x20,170x12,190x12
Squats: 135x20,225x12,315x8,315x8,225x12,135x30
Leg Press: 3Px25,4Px20,5Px15,6Px12,5Px15,4Px20,3Px25
Single Leg Ext: 30x15,40x15,50x12,50x12
Squats(fst-7) (did these alternating each set between a front squat then a back squat): 135x10-12
I finished with 20 minutes on the stairmaster and let me tell you each step was agonizing to the point where I wanted to cry. Nonetheless , I made it through a killer workout. But I know I aint gonna be able to walk for a good 4 days.
Sorry if I missed this earlier in your thread, but are you taking taurine at all? 5g pre-workout helps me tremendously with back pumps while on dbol. As far as the testicular atrophy, its probably the tren. Deca did this to me bad compared to test and other roids. I was running hcg 250iu a week too. Awesome log man, I'm really liking this one.
i hate legs lol