My strongman log

pullinbig said:
you have a comp this month joe?

Looks that way John. I think the 30th. It will be a light show, but they said it will be good to get me in the swing of things and see how a show flows. Ron may be doing it, but may be away on business.
Attempted snatches for the first time.

A few reps at 135
a few at 145
a few at 155

Probably the hardest exercise to learn their is. At least that i have attempted

SS Bar box squats 8 sets of 2 wth 275 in about 4-5 minutes. Knee was really bothering me, this is left over from my fucked up leg from the stones, i may have to go see a doc.

Back attack 3x10

leg extensions. 3x20 Hoping this would help.

GM's 235, 285, 325x5, 350, 375, 400x3 first time doing these heavy in a while, these numbers are not good for me, but something to work from.

Reverse Hypers 210 2x15

left after this in discust as i was waiting for a rack for about an hour that somenoe was curling on.


Snatches, many singles working on form

155 3x3 some were good, some weren't so good.

SLDL's 365 2x8

Pendlay rows. 245 2x8

Rack pulls from very freakin high, ron wanted to do them so i did. Mainly as an upper back and trap exercise.


I can already feel my traps and upper back tightening. I am going to do these for a while, as my upper back and traps could probably use some more work.
Wanted to do some jerks, my traps are more sore than they have ever been in my life. If anyone wants to hit their traps like they never have before, try some real heavy high rack deads. Well, got to 225 on the jerks and could barely do it as i was fried. So this is all i did today.

Strict shoulder presses standing. 135 2x8

incline dumbell 100's 15, 11

side laterals 20lbs 18, 11

hammer curls 45's 2x10

fat bar tri pushdowns 2x12

I could barely do anything and what i did do fucking killed. I got some funny looks as i was standing in the mirror in the locker room rubbing my traps, neck and shoulders down with a menthol rub.
snatches a few singles at 135, 155, 165 and i went 2 for 4 at 175. Need to work on form with lighter weight.

SLDL off floor no belt 380 2x8

Pendlay rows 255 2x8

High rack pulls. Same as last week, real high.
675x15 was going to do 2 sets but i blew my load here.
axl push presses
225 3x3

CGBP 335 2x5

incline flys 60lbs 2x15 all paused

close grip cable rows 250 2x12

fat bar tri pushdowns 2x15

Felt like i got a good workout today.
SLDLS no belt. 390 2x8

Pendlay rows 265 2x8

Strict Standing Shoulder press

135, 155, 185x3 add belt 205, 215x3 felt good about these

50 lb kettlebell snatches 2x15 each hand

hammer curls 30's x15, 40's x12, 50's x6
I forgot to add Saturdays workout, i didn't do much. Just some axl clean and presses, didn't get a pr, missed 260. Some walking lunges, and some hands from a thck bar. Not much to write home about, it was raining here once again.
CGBP 345 2x5

dumbell incline 120 2x8 each rep paused

chinups 2x8

straight bar curls 95 2x10

fat bar pushdowns 2x12
SLDL 405 2x8 no belt

Pendlay rows 275 3x5

This is where it got fun

Strict standing shoulder press

205x3 add belt
225x3 PR Felt good figured i would do some push presses

260x1 PR
275x1 PR
290x1 PR
300x1 PR Timiing was good, when i learn to dip, and turn it into a jerk, i should be putting some serious weight over my head, i don't get too happy really about workouts, or too down, but this one was awesome.