New Cycle, First Time Making A Log

Day 3

100mg Test Prop
175mg Sust

in the same syringe, injected into my left glute... was kinda a pain in the ass (no pun intended) because of having to use my left hand, but the shot was still completely painless and nice a smooth

Back, Abs, Calves

I did 18 sets of back which was a little overkill but I felt good so I figured and 5 sets of both Abs and Calves
Day 4

No training... was in NYC the whole day and I needed a day off anyway

Had a really nice cheat meal today...

cheeseburger with bacon and a chicken and cheese with bacon

Day 5

100mg Test Prop
175mg Sust

injected into the right quad in the same syringe... had a little hiccup because I hit a nerve and my quad twitched a little more than I would have liked, but overall it went pretty smooth

Shoulders and Tris today... should be a good one
Day 5

Shoulders and Tris

15 sets of Shoulders and 9 sets of Tris

got 90's on my 4th set of DB Shoulder Press 6 times... felt pretty good

weighed 248.5 at the gym today clothed, so I'm calling it 246.5....

5.5lbs in 5 days... not to bad to me
american dream said:
cardio on an empty stomach has incredible results!

haven't started it yet... it starts on the 20th in the AM... i don't have a stationary bike at my house right now, but when I get back to school it will start
have you tried a stairmill? the one at my gym is called " The Gauntlet " and it actually burns less calories on paper, but it hardens your midsection and lower body at the same time for 10x the results
american dream said:
have you tried a stairmill? the one at my gym is called " The Gauntlet " and it actually burns less calories on paper, but it hardens your midsection and lower body at the same time for 10x the results

yeah i've heard of them and seen them, but I haven't used one cuz I train at 2 gyms that aren't that high tech
Day 6

Legs and Abs

bike for 10 minutes and 3 sets of Leg Extensions
Squat Lunges 65's (each hand)/2x10 steps, 75's/2x10
Leg Presses 6 plates/15, 7/12, 8/10
Leg Extensions 180/20, 195/15, 210/12
Lying Leg Curls 125/12, 137.5/12, 150/10

Seated Calf Raises 90/20(hard pause at top), 100/15, 110/12
Standing Calf Raises 315/3x15(hard pause at top

Weighted Machine Crunches 110/3x20
Decline Bench Crunches 3x15

felt good but didnt wanna chance anything yet with the back and doing squats... should be good to go next leg workout
Day 7

100mg Test Prop
175mg Sust

in the same syringe, injected into my left quad... oddly enough I was watching the Mitchell hearings while I was injecting, kinda thought that was ironic

Chest and Bi's today

Flat Bench 260/5, 265/5, 270/5, 275/5, 225/10
DB Incline 95's/9, 95's/8, 100's/7
Hammer Strength Incline 115 each side/8, 9, 9
Cable Cross Overs 70 each side/15, 70/15, 80/12

Straight Bar Curl 105/12, 110/10, 115/8
Incline Bench Curls 40's/12, 45's/10, 50's/8
Machine Curls 87.5/12, 100/2x10

10 pound increase on flat bench in a week... not too bad
mcchunter said:
any pain from the prop?

none at all... I've heard of the horror stories, but I have nothing but good things thing to say about Nomad Labs products... the Prop is painless as well as the Sust

if you can get your hands on their products, I would tell you that its a must
ManOfMuscle said:
Sounds like you're putting on some water.

yeah, I expected to though... the plan is to run the Sustanon (sust) for about 8 weeks and get as big as possible, water and all, evaluate where I'm at and determine whether or not I need to cut

I find that my bodyweight shoots up really quick and then I have smaller weight gains later in the cycle, but they are more quality and I feel like the water drops off slowly... so the gain is mostly water in the beginning (75%), and at the end it is almost all quality muscle (80%)... if that makes any sense

and I don't mind the bloat, I feel it gives me more strength and endurance
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Day 8

NO training today, the body most definitely needs a day off

Cheat Meal today consisted of a breakfast sandwich with 3 whole eggs, a bunch of bacon, ham, and cheese w/hash browns on a poppy seed roll... pretty tasty but didn't do much to fill me up

had a couple beers and some Wendy's tonight at about 12.... felt really good

going to be hitting the Back, Calves, and Abs really hard tomorrow... looking forward to it
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Day 9

5th Injection

80 mg Test Prop
200mg Sustanon (sust)

In the same syringe, injected into my left delt. The injection went pretty well and it seemed as if my delt took the ~2cc's pretty well, that was the most volume I've ever injected into my delts.

I decided to inject a little bit more Sustanon (sust) and little less Prop because I figured that some of the phenylpropionate and isocaproate ester's are going to become more saturated in my blood stream, therefore I wanted to utilize them as best as possible.
What's up bro! Just noticed your new cycle log. Sorry I didn't spot it earlier, more time now that the holidays are well behind us :) I'll make sure to follow it. I'll also start mine next month when I kick off my new cycle.
So I see you changed things up and decided to throw in Susp and Sust.. wow! ..and went w/Winny instead of Anavar (var). Big changes from your original plan a few months ago. Cycle looks real good. Lot of different product (sust, susp, prop, etc.) but what the hell.. nice to expiriment and see how each does. Everything looks good and nice to see you put alot of thought into this bro. I like to see that :) Very methodical and well drawn up. Keep the updates coming. Pics???
JayC said:
What's up bro! Just noticed your new cycle log. Sorry I didn't spot it earlier, more time now that the holidays are well behind us :) I'll make sure to follow it. I'll also start mine next month when I kick off my new cycle.
So I see you changed things up and decided to throw in Susp and Sust.. wow! ..and went w/Winny instead of Anavar (var). Big changes from your original plan a few months ago. Cycle looks real good. Lot of different product (sust, susp, prop, etc.) but what the hell.. nice to expiriment and see how each does. Everything looks good and nice to see you put alot of thought into this bro. I like to see that :) Very methodical and well drawn up. Keep the updates coming. Pics???

yeah, I mean although there are 4 different products, its really only 2 different compounds, Test and Winny... so I figure I'm not doing anything all that crazy

as for the pics, they will be posted on Sunday this week... my girlfriend has the pics on her camera and I go back to school tomorrow... so you'll see where I started

good to see you chiming in, thanks alot
Day 9 and 10

Day 9

Back, Calves, Forearms, Abs

Hit the back with 15 sets and then superset the forearms, calves, and abs with 6 sets each... got the heart rate up, that was my cardio for the day

Day 10

Shoulders and Tris

Seated DB Press 80/12, 85/10, 90/8, 95/5
Upright Rows 90/15, 100/12, 110/8
Single Arm Side Raises 40/12, 45/10, 50/8
Front Raises on Cables 110/12, 120/10, 140/8
Rear Raises 45/3x10

Overhead DB Press 110/12, 120/7 (bothered my elbows a little bit)
Close Grip Bench 225/10, 245/2x6
Cable Press Downs 130/15, 140/12, 160/2x10
Days 11 and 12

taking 2 days off from training (Saturday/Sunday) because my gym at school doesn't open until Monday and I'm traveling back to school tomorrow... going to keep up the clean bulking diet and going to start the cardio on the 20th w/ 30 minutes in the AM upon wakening
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