New gear, new goals, new log.

adidamps2 said:
lift what you mean by "no rest"?
do mean from the last working set to the high rep set or the entire exercise?

Last work set straight to lower weight with only break to change the weight. I am torn to shreds today. Feels like I added an inch all over.
LiftTillIDie said:
Last work set straight to lower weight with only break to change the weight. I am torn to shreds today. Feels like I added an inch all over.
ahhhh thats what i thought, but it was hard for me to tell with the way you log your work out outs..

i like this method as well.

you ever try to do 70% of your BW for reps on BB bench at the end of a work out?
i have been doing this and seeing good size develop from it. i go for absolute failure on it.
LiftTillIDie said:
Nope haven't heard of that, but I doubt I'd get more than a few reps at the end of a workout. I'm usually dead.
i picked it up from Angry (his gym was goin to have a rep contest and that was the requirement for it)...i incopporated it into my bench work...most i have got is 17 reps with 155 (a wee more than ~70% of my 212lbs).

you'd be working with 195lbs @ 280lbs...i am more than sure you could rip that out for reps even @ the end your work outs.
LiftTillIDie said:
Yeah 70% sounded like more than 195. Shows you my math skills.
would think it would be more than that..but its not.
its still challanging though, esp at the end of work outs. i try and out do my last rep every time i come back too it.

how many times you think you can hit 195 for?
Legs Strength

squats 135 x6 225 x6 315 x3 405 x3 455 x4 (belt only) - don't think I've ever done 455 without wraps
Hamstring curls full stack x8 x10 x12
Weighted crunch machine x10 x12 x12
superset w/ calf press 400 x10 x12 x15
Db overhead tricep press 75 x15 85 x15 95 x15
superset w/ LOW incline db curls 35's x8 40's x8 45's x8

I should not have been doing squats today because my back was still very iffy from last workout, but I hadn't done back squats forever and didn't feel like taking it easy so... another day another dollar I guess. Weight is holding steady but the new test is starting to kick and I am getting watery.
No, I don't see a reason to touch letro when you have options like aromasin and arimidex. Heard about too many people getting their lipids fucked or losing boners because of letro. I probably won't worry about the water until I secure some more gear and really start cutting again. Right now I'm scaling down my carbs again, getting back to very strict carb control.
LiftTillIDie said:
No, I don't see a reason to touch letro when you have options like aromasin and arimidex. Heard about too many people getting their lipids fucked or losing boners because of letro. I probably won't worry about the water until I secure some more gear and really start cutting again. Right now I'm scaling down my carbs again, getting back to very strict carb control.
good points..i swore the things i read "bad" about letro were when it was used PCT...however strict carb control will probably help alot too.
so, can we get a summary recap?

Before, after pics?
cycle length and dosage (10 weeks, 100/100 tren/prop?)
any aromasin, b6, Winstrol (winny), proviron?
what were the strength gains?
starting/ending weight

Thanks bro, I've seen a lot of this info in the thread, i just can't remember it all for the big picture.
It's a long road and I haven't been in a huge hurry so the info stretches out across a pretty decent span of time. Since this cycle has not gone exactly as planned I am glad I have the log if only for my own personal records. I started over 300 @ probably 18-20% bodyfat. on 100/100 prop/tren did that for about a month, upped the dosage to 150/150 for about 6 weeks. About a week before dropping the prop/tren I started loading up on cyp and I'm in my fourth week of cyp @ 600 mg's per week. Weight is currently around 280 bodyfat if I had to estimate no higher than 15% maybe even a little lower? I'm kind of torn about posting pics as I've lost some definition with the added water I'm putting on. If I post some I'll do it next week. These would not be before and afters more like halfway point check.
nice work bro, appreciate that. Honestly, i could care less to see more pics of dudes so, i believe what you write.
LiftTillIDie said:
It's a long road and I haven't been in a huge hurry so the info stretches out across a pretty decent span of time. Since this cycle has not gone exactly as planned I am glad I have the log if only for my own personal records. I started over 300 @ probably 18-20% bodyfat. on 100/100 prop/tren did that for about a month, upped the dosage to 150/150 for about 6 weeks. About a week before dropping the prop/tren I started loading up on cyp and I'm in my fourth week of cyp @ 600 mg's per week. Weight is currently around 280 bodyfat if I had to estimate no higher than 15% maybe even a little lower? I'm kind of torn about posting pics as I've lost some definition with the added water I'm putting on. If I post some I'll do it next week. These would not be before and afters more like halfway point check.

without me going back through this journal, let's see if I have this straight. You did tren/prop for @ 10 wks and in the ninth week jumped on cyp. am i rite? my question is how long is your cylcle and if I'm correct sir, you now are only on cyp. am I rite? I think this is what i read in previous pgs. enjoying the journal Lift. you nig.
without me going back through this journal, let's see if I have this straight. You did tren/prop for @ 10 wks and in the ninth week jumped on cyp. am i rite? my question is how long is your cylcle and if I'm correct sir, you now are only on cyp. am I rite? I think this is what i read in previous pgs. enjoying the journal Lift. you nig.

You got it. I have no plans to come off unless I am unable to secure more gear. Soonest I see myself actually coming off is September.
hmmm. this would make it around a 22 wk cycle? I like it. do you have any concern about recovery? I'm wrapping up mine and trying to decide to prolong it or post cycle therapy (pct) and wait for my tren/test cycle. Good luck, we'll be following, you nog
hmmm. this would make it around a 22 wk cycle? I like it. do you have any concern about recovery? I'm wrapping up mine and trying to decide to prolong it or post cycle therapy (pct) and wait for my tren/test cycle. Good luck, we'll be following, you nog

I'm not too concerned about recovery. I'm at the point right now where I think I'm going to be on more than off basically for the rest of my life. As always thanks for the support.