New gear, new goals, new log.

Bros it's happened again. I've been scammed. AP has thrown away years of perfect service in an attempt to suck all the money he can out of his loyal customers before hitting the road. I don't know what to do. I don't know what I can say. I'll get back to you guys when I've figured out what the fuck I'm going to do.
I appreciate it. I just thought I was safe getting into business with basically the top UGL there is. Not only that but our first transaction went smoothly and the gear was good. Second time around scammed.
Today's workout. Legs hypertrophy.

Leg Press 6 plates x12 8 plates x12 10 plates x12 x12 x15
Hamstring curls 3 sets x12
superset w/ back hypers bw+25 x8 x8 x8
One legged calf raises 3 sets x12 x12 x12
superset w/ decline crunches 3 sets x20
One arm cable curs 3 sets x8
superset w/ skull crushers 3 sets 100 x12 x15 x15

Bodyweight at time of workout around 288. Continuing to lean out.

I am brewing up a plan to cruise for a few weeks until I can get more test. I will fill in more details as I finalize them.
Upper body hypertrophy

Incline db 80's x8 100's x8 120's x8 150's x6
db flyes 35's x8 45's x8 55's x8
Wide grip pullups bw x6 bw+25 x6 bw+25 x11 - first time weighted in a while, not even a hint of pain
Machine rows 3 sets x10
Cable crossover lateral raises 3 sets x8
bb shrugs 225 x6 315 x6 365 x12
LiftTillIDie said:
Bros it's happened again. I've been scammed. AP has thrown away years of perfect service in an attempt to suck all the money he can out of his loyal customers before hitting the road. I don't know what to do. I don't know what I can say. I'll get back to you guys when I've figured out what the fuck I'm going to do.

This is terrible Lift. I just heard this, and was about to shoot you a PM until I checked your thread. Sorry for the misfortune bro. I'm lucky I did'nt have anything pending with him. Sucks too cause his gear was top quality.
mw101 said:
This is terrible Lift. I just heard this, and was about to shoot you a PM until I checked your thread. Sorry for the misfortune bro. I'm lucky I did'nt have anything pending with him. Sucks too cause his gear was top quality.

Yeah man the stuff I'm on now is great. Workouts just keep getting better and better and better... and I'm almost out. :(
Legs Strength (not)

Worked 10 hours at a track meet got burned and was out of gas so heavy squats were out of the question.

squats 135 x20 185 x20 225 x20
leg extensions 3 sets x10
cable ab curls 3 sets x10
superset w/ calf press 3 sets x10 x10 x12
Rope pressdown 3 sets x10 x10 x12
superset w/ bb curls on knees 3 sets x10 x12 x15