Death Dealer
Upper body strength
Bench 225 x5 275 x3 315 x3 365 x 3.5
BB Rows 225 x6 275 x6 315 x6 315 x10 - tried easing my way into these and keeping it light so I don't tweak my back again but then on the 10th rep my bicep gave. I don't think my body was meant for rows.
Smith machine military 225 x6 275 x6 315 x5 - had never stacked that much weight on a military press before
BB shrugs 75's x15 x20 x20
superset w/ db wrist rotation 30 x10 x10 40 x10
Thanks to a very generous donation from a fellow member who will remain nameless (MW101) I have enough test to stay at a decent dose until I pick up some more gear. I think my dose will be 600 mg/week until I get some new stuff. Took my first ml of cyp yesterday and then took another today with my prop/tren to get the blood levels up a little faster. I'm down to about two shots of prop/tren so it'll be test only in a few days.
Bench 225 x5 275 x3 315 x3 365 x 3.5
BB Rows 225 x6 275 x6 315 x6 315 x10 - tried easing my way into these and keeping it light so I don't tweak my back again but then on the 10th rep my bicep gave. I don't think my body was meant for rows.
Smith machine military 225 x6 275 x6 315 x5 - had never stacked that much weight on a military press before
BB shrugs 75's x15 x20 x20
superset w/ db wrist rotation 30 x10 x10 40 x10
Thanks to a very generous donation from a fellow member who will remain nameless (MW101) I have enough test to stay at a decent dose until I pick up some more gear. I think my dose will be 600 mg/week until I get some new stuff. Took my first ml of cyp yesterday and then took another today with my prop/tren to get the blood levels up a little faster. I'm down to about two shots of prop/tren so it'll be test only in a few days.