New gear, new goals, new log.

Lower body hypertrophy

One legged squats (per leg) 135 x8 185 x8 225 x8 245 x8 - these murdered my quads
Good mornings 185 x8 225 x8 275 x8
Calf press 3 sets x15
superset w/ weighted crunch machine 3 sets x12
skull crushers 115 x10 135 x10 155 x10
superset w/ preacher curl machine 140 x10 160 x10 180 x10
Nice work bro.

Deciding whether to stay on or not is a tough decision, especially when you reach a weight where it's difficult to maintain naturally. Sometimes we get caught up in looking as good as possible and don't take into consideration our future and what may or may not be important to us in 10-15 years. Just because some users who stay on aren't having issues now, doesn't mean they won't several years down the road. I'll tell you one thing, though, it's tough being off for almost a year now and not being able to throw up the weight I used to.
JT190 said:
Nice work bro.

Deciding whether to stay on or not is a tough decision, especially when you reach a weight where it's difficult to maintain naturally. Sometimes we get caught up in looking as good as possible and don't take into consideration our future and what may or may not be important to us in 10-15 years. Just because some users who stay on aren't having issues now, doesn't mean they won't several years down the road. I'll tell you one thing, though, it's tough being off for almost a year now and not being able to throw up the weight I used to.

Yeah, I'm to the point now where coming off means regression, period. I am well aware of every risk I am taking though, and I think that's the most important thing. It's funny I was thinking today about how I'll probably die of prostate cancer. The thing that sucks about staying on is the longer you do the more it's going to suck when you actually come off.
i just completed my 1st cycle of M1t n i need a washout cycle
my body weight is 72 kgs n my cycle lasted for 4 weeks 5 mgs daily dosage, now after getting through with it i just feel blotted and everytime i eat something i just have the feeling of throwing out, urine colour has also changed and it very dark yellow, i dnt feel that lethargic n i dont have irritations as well but the feeling of throwing out after eating anything is there throughout the day.

prior to this i have never taken any kind of steroid

can any one here help me with a suitable washout cycle for this roid????
arahan said:
i just completed my 1st cycle of M1t n i need a washout cycle
my body weight is 72 kgs n my cycle lasted for 4 weeks 5 mgs daily dosage, now after getting through with it i just feel blotted and everytime i eat something i just have the feeling of throwing out, urine colour has also changed and it very dark yellow, i dnt feel that lethargic n i dont have irritations as well but the feeling of throwing out after eating anything is there throughout the day.

prior to this i have never taken any kind of steroid

can any one here help me with a suitable washout cycle for this roid????

God only knows how this post made it here.
Upper body hypertrophy

incline db 80's x8 100's x8 120's x8 140's x11
weighted wide-grip pull ups bw x8 bw+25 x8 bw+25 x8 bw+45 x9
low angle cable flyes 60 x10 80 x10 100 x10
HS wide row 2 plates +25 per side x10 3 plates x10 3 plates +25 x12
one arm cable lateral raises 50 x10 60 x10 40 x10
superset w/ bb shrugs 135 x20 x20 x25

Third week of 450 test only and feeling great. No letdown on strength and don't look any different. I'll probably be bringing this log to a close soon.
Lower body strength

rack deads just below the knee- 135 x8 225 x6 315 x6 405 x6 455 x4 495 x4 - could have done more but I forgot my straps and was at school so I didn't have access to a belt.
leg extensions 3 sets x20
superset w/ standing calf raises 3 sets x15
overhead db extension 80 x15 90 x15 100 x20
superset w/ seated hammer curls 45's x8 (per arm) 55's x8 65's x8

My knees are still killing me from one legged squats so I wanted to throw in something hip dominant today, plus my last back workout was all width movements so I figured rack deads would kill two birds with one stone. I hadn't done these in years, it's nice to know I can do them without breaking my back.
Upper Body strength

bench 135 x8 185 x5 225 x5 275 x3 315 x3 345 x2 365 x2 365 x3.5 - couldn't quite lock out the last one
bb rows 185 x6 225 x6 275 x6 315 x6 365 x6 - damn that felt good
HS military 2 plates per side x6 3 plates x6 4 plates x6 - didn't have much juice left in the shoulders
db shrugs 100's x10 120's x10 150's x15
superset w/ forearm work

Lower body hypertrophy
narrow stance squats 135 x10 225 x10 315 x4 315 x20 (no belt)
horizontal leg press 250 x10 350 x10 405(full stack) x20
Seated machine crunches 50 x15 100 x15 120 x13
superset w/ seated calf press 3 sets x 12
seated db curls 40's x8 50's x8 55's x10
superset w/ cambered bar overhead tricep extension 110 x12 x15 x18
From MoM

Upper body hypertrophy
incline HS 2 plates x10 3 plates x8 4plates x8 4 plates+25 x8 4 plates+35 x8
hammer grip pull ups bw x10 bw +25 x10 bw +45 x13.5
incline smith machine 185 x15 225 x15 275 x16
one arm cable high row 180 x12 (per side) 190 x12 200 (full stack) x14
standing lateral raises 30's x8 40's x8 45's x8
superset w/ standing cable curls 200 x12 x12 x12 (slow with squeeze at the top)

lower body strength

stiff leg deads 135 x6 225 x6 315 x6 405 x6 475 x7 (belted)
leg extensions 3 sets x 12 x12 x15
triple superset w/ one legged calf raises 3 sets x12
and cable crunches on knees 3 sets x15
cable curls 130 x12 140 x15 150 x20
superset w/ tricep pressdown 130 x15 140 x20 15 x25
Lower body hypertrophy

back supported squat machine 200 x12 280 x10 340 x10 400 (full stack) x16
leg press 6 plates per side x20 8 plates x20 9 plates x20
seated calf press 380 x12 390 x12 400 x20
superset w/ decline crunches 3 sets x20
bb reverse curls 70 x12 80 x12 90 x15
superset w/ skull crushers 135 x10 x12 x15