New gear, new goals, new log.

Upper body hypertrophy

incline bench 135 x10 185 x8 225 x8 275 x8 315 x9 - I think my spotter helped me lock out the last couple but he wouldn't admit to it.
Lat pulldowns 200 x10 220 x10 240 x10 250 (full stack) x15
cable chest press 100 x10 130 x10 160 x10
HS high row 3 plates per side x10 4 plates x10 5 plates x10
seated lateral raises 25's x10 30's x10 35's x15
superset w/ smith shrugs 315 x10 365 x10 x12 - back was so fatigued I could barely hold the bar

Weighed in 274 today in clothes after 2 meals.
i was refering to max on flat..max incline would rip your shoulders into rehab
I don't think my flat max would be 450 right now, though at the end of my first cycle I think I could have hit it. I've had a hard time dealing with max numbers on bench since losing the weight.
Lower body strength-
front squats 135 x8 185 x3 225 x3 275 x3 315 x3 365 x3 - wanted 4 but didn't have it
seated crunch machine 100 x15 120 x15 150(full stack) x15
superset w/ donkey calf machine 3 sets x15 x15 x20 - dont know why it was called donkey calf machine
bb curls 95 x8 115 x8 135 x13
superset w/ dips bw x10 bw+25 x10 bw+45 x20
The lost workout-


Upper body strength

flat db bench 80's x6 100's x6 120's x6 140's x6 150's x6 - piss poor, had a terrible time getting them up and my body situated.
bb rows 135 x6 225 x6 275 x6 315 x6 335 x10 - didn't have a belt so I took it easy on the weight
smith machine military 185 x6 245 x6 295 x9

cable shrugs 190 per side 3 sets x12 x12 x15
superset w/ forearm work
Upper body strength:

decline bench 185 x6 225 x6 275 x6 315 x5 315 x13 - had some odd pain where my right pec connects with my shoulder on the 276 set. Stopped and did some extra stretching and warmups and it felt OK after that. Will be monitoring.
bb rows 135 x6 225 x6 275 x6 315 x6 365 x8 (last set pulled off pins)
db military 75' x6 95's x6 110's x11.5
power shrugs 135 x6 225 x6 315 x6 405 x6 495 x6
superset w/ forearm work.

I have come to the conclusion that I have no fucking clue how much I weigh. I have weighed in at 273, 268, and 263 on 3 different scales in a matter of days. Strength is up and I look good so I'm not too worried about it.
ManOfMuscle said:
Upper body strength:

decline bench 185 x6 225 x6 275 x6 315 x5 315 x13 - had some odd pain where my right pec connects with my shoulder on the 276 set. Stopped and did some extra stretching and warmups and it felt OK after that. Will be monitoring.
bb rows 135 x6 225 x6 275 x6 315 x6 365 x8 (last set pulled off pins)
db military 75' x6 95's x6 110's x11.5
power shrugs 135 x6 225 x6 315 x6 405 x6 495 x6
superset w/ forearm work.

I have come to the conclusion that I have no fucking clue how much I weigh. I have weighed in at 273, 268, and 263 on 3 different scales in a matter of days. Strength is up and I look good so I'm not too worried about it.
i always use the same scale and try and wt myself at the same time/day every week (if possible/plausable)...
I've decided its time for a little rest. I feel like I'm falling apart in several places, and I think its best to take a little break even though strength gains are progressing at an acceptable level. I've never done anyt type of deloading before. Todays workout and sundays will be lighter weight, not pushing to hard, giving my cns and joints a break. Next week will be completely off.

Lower body hypertrophy
leg extension x15 x15 x15 x15 x15 x15
superset w/ hamstring curls x10 x10 x10 x10 x8 x10 - no break between 5th and 6th sets for both exercises. 5th set was the heavyiest and 6th was lightest.
decline crunches 3 sets x20
superset w/ calf sled x12 x12 x15
preacher curl machine x12 x12 x12
superset w/ one arm db overhead extensions 35 x12 40 x12 45 x12
Upper body hypertrophy

cable flyes, bench on slight incline - 60 per side x10 80 x10 100 x10
incline smith bench 185 x12 225 x12 295 x15
seated cable row 180 x10 220 x10 245 x10 270 x15
HS lat pulldown 2 plates +25's per side x10 3 plates x10 3 plats +35 x12
arnold press 50's x8 55's x8 65's x8
superset w/ db shrugs 75's x15 85's x15 95's x20

Time for some rest.
Back in the gym - lower body strength

squats bw x many 135 x5 225 x5 315 x3 405 x4 405 x6 (wraps only) - had to hold myself way back due to excrutiating pain in the knees. It just keeps getting worse. I thought the time off would help but it didn't. Don't know what I'm going to do.
horizontal leg press 400 (full stack) x10 x15 x25 - squats just weren't enough
superset w/ standing calf raises 295 x10 x12 x15
and decline situps twisting at the top x10 (holding a 25 lb plate) x15 x15 (holding a 45 lb plate)
narrow grip bench 135 x12 185 x12 225 x15
superset w/ cambered bar curls 90 x12 100 x12 60 x12

Everything felt good besides my knees.
This is someting I've been dealing with for a couple years and I remember my knees did start to hurt quite a bit during my first cycle. It went away afterward as I lose weight and stopped squatting so heavy.