New gear, new goals, new log.

maybe some npp for the joint pain? Or maybe go to box squating instead of conventional squating?
HeHateMe said:
Wow. 600 replies. This has to be some sorta non-post-whore-thread record or something...
maybe in the "my cycle" forum, but there are much larger threads in the "my journel" section...LOL
Aczech said:
maybe some npp for the joint pain? Or maybe go to box squating instead of conventional squating?

I would definitely like to try some deca at some point. I feel like box squats would put more pressure on the knees not less.
I used to have a ton of knee pain, especially when I went over 405. Wraps didn't even help.

I made my stance a little closer, more like an olympic-style narrow stance and went all the way down in depth. Helped tremendously. No more knee pain for a long time now.

I had to lower the weight a little though, because my hips/post-core couldn't handle as much as I could do to only para.

Good luck bro - injuries suck.
It seems to me, physiologically speaking, that a narrow stance would put more strain on your knees, as it emphasizes quads more. Whereas a wider stance puts more of the load on the hams/groin. Also it's very hard for me to even get to parallel with my feet inside shoulder width due to leg length. I appreciate the suggestions guys.
i hear ya on the leg length, I am fairly tall so a full squat is a long way down.

just to clarify, feet closer than shoulder width would be crazy - I was thinking more along the lines of right at shoulder width.
Upper body strength

bench 135 x10 185 x5 225 x5 275 x5 315 x5 365 x1 365 x3.5 - couldn't quite lock the last one
reverse grip bb rows 135 x8 185 x8 225 x8 275 x8 315 x8 (straps and loose belt)
bb military press 135 x6 225 x6 255 x9
bb shrugs 225 x10 315 x10 405 x13
superset w/ forearm work
Lower body hypertrophy

leg press 4 plates (per side) x20 5 plates x20 6 plates x20 x25 x40
leg extension x15 x15 x20
triple superset w/ calf press x 15 x15 x18
and hanging twisting leg raises 3 sets x12
overhead db tricep extension 70 x15 90 x15 110 x15
superset w/ hammer curls 40's x8 50's x8 60's x10

Taking it easy on the weight, trying not to destroy my joints.
Upper body hypertrophy

Incline db bench 75's x8 100's x8 120's x8 140's x9
Wide grip pull ups bw x8 x12 x16
Iso Lateral incline press 100 (per side) x10 120 x10 150(full stack) x9.5
T-bar platform rows 4 plates x8 4 plates+25 x8 5 plates x8 4 plates x12
seated lateral raises 32.5's x10 x10 x10
superset w/ seated db shrugs 90's x12 x12 x20
Due to time constraits I mashed tuesday's workout together with thursday's.

Rack pulls (from mid shin) 135 x8 225 x6 315 x6 405 x4 495 x4 545 x4 (belt and straps)
dips bw x10 bw+45 x10 bw+90 x15
preacher curls 3 sets x10
superset w/ one legged calf raises 3 sets x12 x12 x20 (per leg)

Not bad for lifting on 0 hours of sleep.