New gear, new goals, new log.

Upper body hypertrophy-

Incline HS 2 plates per side x10 3 plates x10 4 plates x10 4 plates+25 x11
HS high row 3 plates per side x10 4 plates x10 4 plates+25 x12
flat bench 225 x10 x20 x18
cable lat pulldown 200 (full stack) x10 x12 x15
cable cross lateral raises 40 x10 50 x10 x10
superset w/ cable shrugs x12 x12 x16

So far so good.
Lower body strength

stiff leg deads 135 x8 225 x8 315 x8 365 x8 405 x13 (loose belt)
calf press x12 x12 x15
superset w/ cable rope crunches 200 x12 x12 x12
hammer curls 50's x6 60's x6 70's x8
superset w/ dip machine full stack x15 x20 x25

The test should be pretty much cleared from my system by now. Surprisingly I feel good mentally and physically. Motivation is also high. I have been taking in a lot of clean food, 9 meals yesterday. Will inject Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and start nolvadex tonight (this is some old liquid nolva from my first cycle the new stuff should be here monday) and another shot of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on sunday night.
Upper body strength-

flat bench 135 x10 185 x5 225 x5 275 x5 315 x3 315 x8
t-bar rows (old school barbell style) 2 plates x10 3 plates x8 4 plates x8 5 plates x12
HS military 2 plates per side x8 3 plates x8 3 plates +25 x12
bb shrugs 225 x12 315 x12 x12 (no straps)
superset w/ forearm work

The test is completely out of my system now. Got the new post cycle therapy (pct) stuff and started it yesterday. Took 40mg nolva and 25mg aromasin and also my last shot of hcg. The stuff I have tastes like absolute death, to the point where I felt like I was going to puke after drinking it. I think I'm just going to run 40 nolva/20 aromasin eod for a couple of weeks and see how I feel after that. I definitely don't want to drink that shit every day.
damn bro, you a freaking horse...i'd like to be able to bench that by the end of the year
Very lethargic today. Hit the gym hard yesterday, haven't been sleeping quite as much due to the puppy, and was on my feet working all day. Worn out.
ManOfMuscle said:
The test is completely out of my system now. Got the new post cycle therapy (pct) stuff and started it yesterday. Took 40mg nolva and 25mg aromasin and also my last shot of hcg. The stuff I have tastes like absolute death, to the point where I felt like I was going to puke after drinking it. I think I'm just going to run 40 nolva/20 aromasin eod for a couple of weeks and see how I feel after that. I definitely don't want to drink that shit every day.

put the shit in a beverage of your choice, PWO shake, Gatorade, etc... to mask the taste
Nothing I mix it with will do more than increase the volume of shit that I have to drink. I don't think I can express with words how bad this tastes. I was drinking orange juice afterward and it still took minutes to get the taste out of my mouth.
ManOfMuscle said:
Nothing I mix it with will do more than increase the volume of shit that I have to drink. I don't think I can express with words how bad this tastes. I was drinking orange juice afterward and it still took minutes to get the taste out of my mouth.

thats terrible news man, sorry to hear that

should have went, there chems taste like candy and i have never had any problems with them
Chemone has badly screwed over a friend of mine. They advertised a product as 5mg/ml and sent it as .5mg/ml. We checked and rechecked, they did not put the . on their site. Anyway I drank the poison again last night, hopefully I will continue recovering quickly and won't need to be on post cycle therapy (pct) stuff for too much longer.
Feeling a lot better today. I think I just needed to shave off some estrogen. The water is coming off now as well and I'm seeing more vascularity which was opposite my expectations. We'll see how long that lasts.
Lower body hypertrophy
db lunges 45's x16 55's x16 65's x16 75's x20
leg extensions 3 sets x15
triple superset w/ standing cable crunches 3 sets x12
and calf press 3 sets x12
dips bw x15 x15 x15
superset w/ underhand pull ups bw x10 x10 x10
Upper body hypertrophy.

incline db 70's x8 90's x8 110's x8 130's x10
t-bar platform row 4 plates x8 5 plates x8 6 plates x10
standing cable flyes 60 (per arm) x10 80 x10 100 x10
HS lat pulldown 2 plates+25 per side x8 3 plates x8 4 plates x10
db shrugs 90's x15 x15 x20
superset w/ seated lateral raises 25's x10 x12 x15