New gear, new goals, new log.

Lower body hypertrophy-

leg press 6 plates per side x12 x15 x20 x20 x15 x15 x15
crunch machine 3 sets x20
superset w/ calf sled x10 x10 x12
dips 4 sets bw x15
superset w/ bb curls 95 x8 115 x8 145 x8 (loose belt)
Upper body hypertrophy

incline bench 135 x8 185 x8 225 x8 275 x8 315 x8
HS high row 3 plates per side x8 4 plates x8 4 plates+25 x8 4 plates +35 x8
seated cable flyes 100 x10 120 x10 150 x10
superset w/ seated cable lat pulldown 200 x10 x10 x12
seated db lateral raises 35's x10 40's x10 x10
superset w/ smith shrugs 315 x10 x10 x15
right pumped said:
sorry mang, can i have bullets on what the fuck is going on in hee

rove you rong time but fuck if i'm reading this

Yeah there's not a whole lot to go back and read. Basically I've been running 450 test for a few months and I look prettymuch exactly the same as I did when I lowered the dosage. Will be coming off within a couple weeks. Sitting 265-270.