New UniVet mexico

not to mention if every other post regarding this is -you got bunk shit- then people should stay away anyhow knowing that they're to many fakes out there.
I have been on for almost 20yrs and I have been getting blood work done for that long.I cycle and come off and run hrt 200-250 test per wk and my test levels have been the same on the univet as it was on human grade that I get from the doctor.I know this because I ran only univet at 250 a week and it put me at the same level as Watson Labs test cyp which is human grade.I am sure there is bunk gear out there but it is so cheap to make test why fake it,you will get no retun buyers.Not trying to rip you just telling you what I know from my blood work.In the almost 20yrs I have been using I have used alot of stuff and alot of Mex gear and my test levels have always come back good.You are right if you run gear you need to get blood work done.I have used the same lab to get my blood work done.Just my 2 cents.
agreed. and no harm no foul on your end for your .02

however, there is alot of bunk univet going around. I got some locally and from a different source -and both were bad. So I would just stay away.
agreed. and no harm no foul on your end for your .02

however, there is alot of bunk univet going around. I got some locally and from a different source -and both were bad. So I would just stay away.
At some point there are good ugl that go bad.You already said it but I will say it again get blood work and know what you are dealing with not only to look at t levels but for your health,its not something to play with.There is a smart way to do it and a dumb way.
i used this Univet, and i dont have any gains, i have 4 weeks with sut and Deca, and anything, this think doenst work even the oil smell a lil to chemicla, i think is just oil becarfull people with this thing...
i used this Univet, and i dont have any gains, i have 4 weeks with sut and Deca, and anything, this think doenst work even the oil smell a lil to chemicla, i think is just oil becarfull people with this thing...

Good point. I think it was merely oil as well. All the bottles I got REEKED of oil . Did a few shots of prop and nothing> chunked the rest of it
i hate mexican food ...i hate the place.... i hate the gear.....
Not all Mex gear bad, bad Univet based in Nuevo Laredo is no good, the same people are behind Nova, and appex, one brand came out as the other went down, shit gear, and yes most all bath tub crap in Mexico is shit these days. stick with the real products or pharma grade in Mexico and all will be good. Tornel is good, the EQ from Impel, Fort dodge they still have a few goodies. I personally like pharma gear not pet mex crap!

Good luck
Here are some pics of what I'm talking about,




I hope you are talking what the Fu** is this!

that is scary!!

Hey Super, I use only mex Pharma grade, with great results, these guys are talking about pushing piss in the ass, stick with quality regulated gear and you will be good, Mexico has all this Vet kitchen crap and call it good! stick with the basics, also you are starting to see more and more off label Pharma in south America hitting the border towns that Kick ass. stay away from the vet crap piss. exceptions to date Tornel, Impel, FT Dodge Period. these others just claim to have A REG SAGARPA. my god if you can only see how it is made!!!. I with ya 100% on the pharma gear not the vet piss! First 2 pics will not miss, the Nova, well it is not even worthy of a KY in the ass. do not mean to be so hard but this is just the facts!
ive been running this stuff 4 about 2 years off and on. the unistan injectable sucks but the tabs are really nice, they get me really hard.cyp and deca are good. dont like the bold very well. they also have good sus. bout to start on some of their test 400. yummy!
I used uni T400 alone b4 with great results very painfull but all test blend are painfull
I also used uni dbol with primo b4 good results they were dark blue tablets
I just got uni t400 with uni deca 300 i am going to start in 2 weeks ill let you guys know :)
I always trust him. He's just never gave me mex gear before. Will post a pic of it for more opinions on it.
I have never had a problem with Mex gear.I know some people hate it but there is nothing wrong with it if you know what you are doing.