O/T, Does your wife/GF know about your use?


New member
I was just wondering if any of you tell your wife or your gf's that you use AAS. Or do you hide it from them?

I was married when I was 19 and divorced by 22. My ex-wife didn't even like me working out let alone using AS. At the time I never even thought of using anyway. But if I was still with her, I would have had to hide it from her. She would have never understood.

My new GF though is way different. She doesn't exactly like the idea of me being on, but she supports me. She actually gave me $200 to help pay for my current cycle!
She even gives me my injections now! So I really found a gem with her.

What about you guys?
Good question..

Many many years ago when I first started coming to the various gear/bbing boards on the net, when I first got introduced to gear, I mentioned it to my then girlfriend & she freaked...

Well now many years later & have been married for 3 years now, she knows all well my gear use & she is still with me, so she must not mind anymore..

My GF is the only person I know in real life that I have told about my usage. She doesn't exactly support it but she doesn't seem to mind either :)

As for getting her to do my injections? Noway in hell she would do it, she is so afraid of needles she won't even watch me inject :)
Exkon said:
As for getting her to do my injections? Noway in hell she would do it, she is so afraid of needles she won't even watch me inject :)

Not mine! She has been begging me since day one to let her inject me. I was the one that was affraid of letting her. I finally let her do it last night. I could not reach my left glute injection, so I had her do it. She did a good job!!
Shit mine learned how to make fina last night and shots my ass sometimes.Shit my mom even knows that me and pops r on,I figure I'm the man of my house and my dad is of his so thats that,plus my girl is thinking about tring var.Its like the song "its a family affair"LOL
I don't know what my parents would say if they found out. I know sooner or later I will not be able to deny it anymore. You can only get so big naturally!
My Dad will be pretty cool about it. My Mom will be disappointed, but after I talk to her about it, she will be fine with it.

My brother knows, he is thinking of taking a cycle now too!
My wife knows and does my shots. She runs a medical clinic so might as well have the professional giving the shots.

Exkon said:
My GF is the only person I know in real life that I have told about my usage. She doesn't exactly support it but she doesn't seem to mind either :)

As for getting her to do my injections? Noway in hell she would do it, she is so afraid of needles she won't even watch me inject :)

DITTO! Except MY girl just gave me my first Glute shot on Saturday! ;)
yea i told her from the start and she was happy to note that i'll be getting bigger. that was 3 years ago and now she even does the juice and helps me with some glute shots. gotta love those kinda women
At first my wife said if she ever caught me using that she'd leave me, but when she came to realize how important bodybuilding was to me she gave in, now she injects all the hard to reach spots, which seem to be increasing....
my gf knows i do it she doesnt really care but she hates when ppl call me for it or when i talk about it no way in hell chance of getting her to inject me
I told my girlfriend once we started dating a year and a half ago...she was pissed at first cuz she knew dick about it...but once she saw that no harm came of it, she actually likes when Im on.
My wife gives me my glute shots. She told my last week to quite lagging and order my next cycle.

my wife hits my glutes for me bro. she does not like me doing it but it makes me happy and hard as a rock all the time. she enjoys that aspect of it.