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been doing 1g/test enan / week for 5 weeks now all i can say is wooooow!!! no sides except for higher bp 170/100
im like 3 times stronger 10 more focused gained about 25lb my muscles look alot bigger now i gained some fat but not too bad
my question is do u thing i should eat less slow it down a bit?????
been eating 6-7 times /day 450-500g prot a day 700-800g carbs 200+fat
im 6` 6`` 305 b4 now 330+
Hell no, keep eating. What you think is fat is may be water. Pack all you can on now because this is when that food is most productive. I would watch that BP though, thats a little high.
yeah 170 is high thats why i was thinkin about slowing down,..make my meals without salt dunno what else to do,..what do u ppl suggest??
Maybe lower the dose just a tad and like you said stay away from high salt foods. How often do you check your bp? Also, you could do a little research on take some natural supplements and herbs to help lower. I know garlic will help a little.
I've never had my bp that high, and I never ever PUT salt on my food. Food already has salt. I've been in pre-hypertension but to me your BP needs to be taken care of. Hope you are researching that, some good info has been posted here.
Hey bro, you need to get that BP in check ASAP! 170/100 is way to high IMO! If that is what BP you are maintaining all day, you need to see a doc.

Test causes water retention which in turn can elevate your BP. I know when I get over 750mg's my BP gets out'a control. Are you using an antiE and/or something like Arimidex. These will assist in keeping the bloat off.

Be Safe bro!
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no sides except for higher bp 170/100

last i checked high bp is a side bro!!!! you need to get that under control - high bp is a serious issue-

do a search on it and learn--

first thing i would suggest is drop your dose --
taurine, arimidex and cut out the high gi foods as they make you retain water. Do this BEFORE you go to the doc, or he is going to shit.
imnot dizzy i feel fine its just high,.. ill dring alot of green tea vegetables,...untill monday,..ill see what the doc will say,..
170/100 is pretty high but there alot of factors that go into to reading you are getting. Make sure that the cuff you are using is a large one as using a regular one will elavate your readings and as big as you asay you are that will raise your readings. Go see your Dr and let him check it. Good luck bro
I`m using ICN galenika test 250mg/amp.
btw doc did use large cuff to check my BP but i dont know how large cuffs are cuz i got 23in arm, there like XXL cuff?
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It could have been the cuff your doctor was using to take your BP. 23 inch arms are definitely above average and maybe it was a little off especially from your last reading.