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Will I be able to grow my Quads and Hammys only using the leg extension and hamstring kickback machines until my knees recover fully or will that not be enough stimulation?
How are you going to perform leg extensions with a torn meniscus? Leg extensions put a lot of pressure right on the front of your Knee. That includes the patellar tendon, and your meniscus. You can do ANY quad exercises until you heal up....
On 2nd thought, as far as I know, you can't heal a torn meniscus. My dad had a torn meniscus and it hurt like hell whenever the two pieces touched. So, to "repair" the meniscus they cut out the smallest amount of the mensiscus as possible, that will make it so the two open pieces don't touch.
Hey. I think your best bet is staying off cycle unless you stay under 220 mg of test and low dose deca. Test at that dose will increase collagen synthesis. Hav is incorrect. It really depends on what type of tear. A bucket handle is awful and ruins range of motion big time. That's a must for surgery. It's true that meniscus are rarely healed on there own. Or well I should say heal proper. It's better to get it cleaned out. After swelling calms your pretty much ready to go 14 days post op. Some people get it fixed and wait 6 months and it doesn't heal and they are back in surgery. If I were you I'd get it done. So minor. Pre op keep doing body weight squats and balance work to encourage the proper behaviour of the muscles for when your back. The proprioception is very important in recovery. So 14 days out of surgery do the same stuff. Before in the days right after surgery I'd focus on squeezing your quad as that can be difficult. The more your unable to stimulate the muscle the worse the atrophy will be on your rehab. In terms of healing aids id use 4.5-9 iu growth a day for 3 months min and tb 500 1 5mg shot a week for 6 weeks then 5 mgs once a month for few months. Hope this helps.
still no answer fellas. Do you think i can gain a lil something on my legs by doing light leg extensions and hamstring curls 3 times a week on cycle
how did you tear it?? was it while on cycle and working out??