Over 40


New member
Bro's....I need some advise. I'm over 40 been taking 500mg of test enan. for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). My problem is that in the gym I don't get a pump anymore. Not growing very well either.
My question is what is the best AS I can use with the test to stimulate some growth and what can I do to increse the pump? I've tried OTC supplements for the "no pump." I tried N0x2. Didn't do a thing for me.
My stats are 5'5"/172 workout 4x week, eat a fairly clean diet and as I said I take 500mg of test enan.....been taking the test for over 6 weeks

Thats freakin weird. Thats the ideal first cycle otherwise and you should be able to see something within 6 weeks. Maybe you got some shitty gear?

OTC sux if you wanna get pump. The thing I do knowdays, I am sitting like 30-60 min before and thinking of how big i am going to get, how ripped, I am going to kill that fucking muscle, and what exercise to do and so on. And when you land at the gym, I just go in and start slaughtering my muscles. And i get pump bigtime. But it is important that you find those exerceses that give you most pump. And dont take a too long break between the sets.

But if that cycle didnt work for you and you are "stuck". Reached your highest genetic level, than I would go for.

Sustanon 500mg/w 1-10
Deca(EQ) 400mg/w 1-10
D-bol 30mg/ED w 1-2
D-bol 25mg/ED w 3
D-bol 20mg/ED w 4
and post cycle therapy (pct) as usual

Thats a classic cycle and you will receive massive strenght/gains on it. You cant fail if you diet and workout are as they should be.

However, that cycles contains d-bol and Deca. Two compounds i wouldnt use myself because of the sides.

Hope it helped you
You could add deca or EQ if you want to stick to injectables.
If your liver's in good shape, you could add Dbol at 25mg/day for 4 weeks with some liver protectants.
However, I wouldn't give up on the test only cycle yet. 6 weeks and you're just getting going with a long acting ester like enanthate.
You really only taking 250mg because naturally you produce 250 a week.
1. take orals ..i never really see great results on a inj only cycle
2. take a met-rx(meal replacement) shake before you go to bed
eat, eat, eat
I am 45 and still growing
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Yes, for pumping I would add D-bol @ 30 mg/day for the next 4 weeks, going with your cyle to 10 weeks.
Are you serw tat you are not overtraining? I am over 30 too and I do not train like when I was 25.
You could just be plateuing. Get used to it. Every so often you body needs to catch up. If you were taking D-bol and Test ,Primo and test I'd say different. Give your body a couple of weeks to catch up.
Bro... Something else is wrong... Diet.. Maybe overtraining?
Dont do orals... You and I are too old to F with that.
IMO... Check your diet and take 7 days off.

BTW, Im 36 and have no problems with the pump...
let me know what happens... at our age with bi weekly
250mg you should feel like you are 25 again...

let me know