perscription for roids

krembles said:
I believe it is against the law to perscribe any drug (steroids) for cosmetic purposes. People that have had cancer surgery or AIDS or something that has devastated there
muscles can get about anything. The rest of us NADA.

Anti aging clinics will give you a shot of test every 2 weeks or Andro Gel. They will
also give you HGH. However, your insurance will not pay for HGH. They will test your
blood and will not let you go outside the normal limits. However, they do want clients
and there may be exceptions to the rules. This however is TOP SECRET.

More like test subjects!
you need to find a doc like the one i used to have.

"doc, my strength is down and my bodyfat is up."

"ok, what do you want?"

"test and d-bol"

"ok, how much?"

prices were roughly twice the black market, but the convenience factor made up for it.
Guys abusing the system to get a 'script for gear make it that much harder for the guys that REALLY DO need HRT.
actually the main point behind my question was the fact that i pay more per month in my health insurance premiums than it would cost me to run just about any cycle for the same month(HGH not included), so i just hoped i could figure out a way to get the juice and make my insurance pay for a little so i could get some use out of the money i'm paying for my insurance!!!
Some of the guys that homebrew ultimately pay less for their vials than I pay for my prescription copayment. I'll leave this subject at that.
Having a low sperm count isn't going to motivate a doctor into giving you something that will lower it even more.
Golgo13 said:
This thread should be locked... BAD for the comunity.

I think your right. I don't like where this thread went and I have deleted my posts after "the turn"