Pics from my cruise to Mexico!!


New member
Well I took a cruise the day after this last show. Which I won the overall by the way!!
Anyways, the cruise was great. All the food you could ever want. I gained 30lbs this past week. Definitely not something you should go on right after a show...but oh well!!LOL
It was funny, we went to Ensenada to the open market. There are pharmacies like every 4th store. And everytime I would pass on, the guys would come and say real loud.."hey man, we have esteroids here". It was kind of annoying after awhile, especially cuz they were being loud about it.

Anyways here are some pics!!
Doesn't look like you put on any sloppy weight mike. Congrats on winning the second show. You didn't buy any juice down there did you?
Congrats. While on the cruise, did you consume any alcohol? Just curious. Also, what are you taking to preserve your hair (fending off MPB)?
I did buy a single shot of Organon Sust and shot it in el bano. I would have bought some other stuff, but it is just to expensive down there right now.
As far as the hair, I don't take anything. If I go bald, then I will just shave my head. Fuck it!!LOL
Thanks Dave!

Parrish!! You know me too well!!LOL I ate a TON of desserts!!LOL Way more than I should have!!
I kno right where you are in that one pik by the boat, thats fuckin Sea Port Village in SD, that place is fuckin TITs to go eat lunch and walk around and shit, keeps chicks busy for hrs.
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how can you keep your body in good shape when you go for a trip... there's no gym and do you carry your proteines shakes and do you eat enough......??
i am shur there are many tips for that........
i would at least use nizeral shampoo for your hair because its cheap and u have to use regular shamoo any way so why not. But you do look you have a nice set of follicles lol. were u on any juice while u were ganing 30 pounds on the cruise?