Powerathlete's Training Log

This is the empty can exercise.
It is like a shoulder flexion exercise but your thumb is pointing towards the ground (like emptying a can) during the entire movement. Now imagine splitting your body in half from front to back. This imaginary line would be 0 degrees. Place your arms about 30 degrees in front of you.
Now the scaption exercise is the same exact placement as the empty can exercise except now your thumb is pointing towards the ceiling.
Powerathlete said:
This is the empty can exercise.
It is like a shoulder flexion exercise but your thumb is pointing towards the ground (like emptying a can) during the entire movement. Now imagine splitting your body in half from front to back. This imaginary line would be 0 degrees. Place your arms about 30 degrees in front of you.
Now the scaption exercise is the same exact placement as the empty can exercise except now your thumb is pointing towards the ceiling.

thanks power i may steal these for my work out coming up...appreciate the explination
Thanks guys! AD, these are great for rotator cuff strengthening so just remember to keep the weights relatively light and focus on form.

Monday-December 19, 2005
Flat Bench
135X12, 185X8, 225X1
Supersetted Above with WG Pulldowns
140X12, 150X8, 170X5
Incline DB Presses
65'sX12, 85'sX10, 85'sX5
Supersetted Above with Supinated close grip pulldowns
140X10, 150X10, 160X8
Fast walk 10 minutes
Elliptical max effort 10 minutes
Crunches 3X10
Dynamic lumbar stabalization in quadruped 3X60 seconds
Wednesday-December 22, 2005
SL Leg Press
4 platesX15, 4 plates and 2-25'sX10, 6 platesX10
SL Leg Extensions
40lbsX10, 50lbsX10, 70lbsX9
SL Hamstring Curls
35lbsX10, 40lbsX10, 45lbsX10
Side Lateral Raises
12'sX15, 15'sX10, 20'sX10, 20'sX8, 15'sX10
DB Presses
55'sX10, 55'sX10, 65'sX8
Elliptical 12 minutes
Bike 12 minutes

This was one of my faster workouts. There was no rest in between sets as I only had limited time today, so strength was down.
Finally back...

Well after finishing my graduate research project, graduating college, moving and having a baby I am finally back to working out. I am going to start off slow but it feels great to be back in the gym.

Saturday 1/27/07
DB Shoulder Press
40'sX18, 18, 12, 12
DB Side Laterals
15'sX3 sets of 15
Cable Shoulder retraction
60lb'sX15, 70lbsX 2 sets of 12
DB Flat Bench
65'sX14, 10, 8
Tricep pushdowns with V-bar
90lbsX 3 sets of 12
Preacher Curls
65X 3 sets of 8
Stationary Bike
10 minutes at 70RPM

My workout regime is sporadic at this point and not quite structured. My only goal at this point is to get as much done in the gym as I can. I think at this point I will only be able to hit the gym 3x/week at most. Once my conditioning comes back and I have reduced soreness I will start a structured program.
good to see your getting back into the routine after all that stuff...only problem i see is your reps are wayyyy to high, as is your volume. if your just getting back, keep it simple and keep the volume AND the weight down...as you progress just add to the weight. thats my advice to nearly everybody who comes back assuming they want to get stronger as that is always one of my goals....
Great to have you back & grats with the child and graduating college. I agree with evansss about too high of volume/reps in your routine. Maybe do a Pullinbig routine?
Leg Press
4 platesX15, 6 platesX10, 8 platesX10, 10 platesX8
single hamstring curls
4X8 reps with 40lbs
seated calf raises
45lbsX10, 70lbsX10, 90lbsX10
BikeX15 min. @80rpm

incline flyes
25'sX10, 35'sX10, 40'sx10
Incline DB Press
40'sX10, 50'sX10, 60'sx8
Bicep Curls
50X10 X 3 sets
Tricep extension with v-bar
120'lbsX2 sets of 10, 130lbsX2 sets of 10
Lat pulldowns with wg
90lbsX12, 120lbsX3 sets of 8
lat pulldowns with v-bar
120lbsX3 sets of 8
Moderate cardioX30 minutes
I will have pics soon. At this point it is not a pretty site but it is a starting point for sure.
Leg Press
4 platesX12, 6platexX10, 8 platesX10, 10platesX10, 12 platesX8
Leg Extensions
90lbsx3 sets of 10
Single leg curls with toes pointed out
35lbsX4 sets of 10
Clock lunges with 60'lbs
4 sets each leg
30 minutes of cardio