Powerathlete said:Friday-November 11, 2005
Pulldowns WG
90X12, 100X12, 120X10, 150X10
Cable retractions
100X10, 110X10, 120X8
DB Bench Press with ER
50'sX10, 60'sX10, 70'sX8
Decline Bench
135X10, 155X10
Hip ER/IR steps with cable
40lbs 3X10 each
Step Downs 4"
SL Leg Press
4plates 3X10 on left and 3X8 on right
SL Leg Extensions
40lbs 3X10
Leg Press SL calf raises
2platesX10, 4plates 2X10 on left and 2X8 on right
Bicep Curls
80lbsX6, 90lbsX8
That is due to muscle weakness and fatigue. I did not choose to fail a those reps. I have been having a fair amount of pain the past year or so during training in my low back and hips. It has been nothing that I'm not used to so I continued to improve in strength and make gains. However, after some time off I've come to realize that I am in this game to stay and want to train smart. Therefore I am starting from a clean slate. When I went to the gym and began isolating specific muscles and each leg separately I noticed a vast difference. A lot of my work for this stage will be unilateral stuff. Eventually as pain subsides and my muscle imbalances correct themselves I will go back to full squats, deadlifts, etc.pullinbig said:why the different reps for different legs?
Scaption and empty cans are specifically used to target one of the rotator cuff muscles called supraspinatus.adidamps2 said:lookin good PA
on a side note what the hell are scaptions? and empty cans??