Powerathlete's Training Log

I am talking about the last 1/3 of the eccentric phase, so at the very bottom of the squat. There is some biomechanical aspect to my hips that prevents me from squatting deeply with my feet wide. I have switched to narrow stance and my squats are feeling great. I have much more control now because it just plain feels better. I will begin working my way up again and really focusing on my form.
Monday-September 19, 2005
DB Rows
50X12, 70X12, 80X10, 85X10
Low Hammer Strength Row
90X12, 140X10, 190X10
Assist 70lbs for 2 sets of 6, Assist of 80lbs for 5
30 degree Incline Bench
45X15, 135X10, 185X10
Straight Bar Curls
45X12, 45X12, 65X10
Pronated Straight Bar Curls
45lbs 2X10, 1X11
Concentration Curls
25lbs. 2X10
Grip Work
100lb dumbells 2X30sec, 1X15 sec.
Decline Abs
BWX10, 10X10, 25X10, 25X15
Obliques on Mat

The pump after my workout today was unreal. It felt euphoric. I had to perform at least one exercise for chest because I did not finish my last two workouts last week. I have some newfound motivation and will work hard to maintain a solid sleep routine. I think this will be the key for my consistency.
Powerathlete said:
I am talking about the last 1/3 of the eccentric phase, so at the very bottom of the squat. There is some biomechanical aspect to my hips that prevents me from squatting deeply with my feet wide. I have switched to narrow stance and my squats are feeling great. I have much more control now because it just plain feels better. I will begin working my way up again and really focusing on my form.

its flexability in your groin and hips that stops you from going deep normally on a wide stance.
pullinbig said:
i know your pain. my flexability is crap as well.
At least you are someone who can relate. LOL. I really can't wait until I start moving up on squats again with my new form. Overall I just feel more stable with this narrow stance. I feel like a little kid again.
Wednesday-September 21, 2005
Single Leg Extensions (Hammer Strength)
25X12, 45X10, 65X10, 90X10

Narrow Stance Squats
45X10, 135X10, 185X8, 225X10, 245X10

Standing Single Leg Curls
25X10, 35X10, 55X10


Single Leg Calf Raises
BWX10, BW+20lbsX10, BW+35lbsX10
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i used to be tight as a drum!i started doing hamstring stretches periodicaly during the day.when ever i get a break i just stretch em out for a min or two several times a day and it worked wonders for me!
Monday-September 26, 2005
Pullups with 40lb assist
8, 8, 7, 5
Smith Machine Pullups
bwX6, 5, 4
Flat Bench
135X12, 185X10, 205X6, 185X4
30 degree Incline DB
60'sX10, 65'sX10
Pushups with feet elevated on large swiss ball
bwX6, 5
Straight Bar Curls
40X10, 50X10
Supinated close grip pullups with 70lb assist
Tricep pushdowns with rope
60X12, 70X12, 80X10
Ab Work

Today was a very fast paced workout. My pump was interfering with my sets and I could not perform as well with regards to strength. I also incorporated a lot of functional type of strengthening which can be seen with the increased number of pullups and pushups on swiss ball.
Thanks guys. Tman, as gay as this sounds you have motivated me to stay consistent with my diet and sleep program. This has made a big difference in the past week. These journals make me realize that if I slack it is shown in my thread. You guys will see that I skipped a workout and that also motivates me.
Powerathlete said:
Thanks guys. Tman, as gay as this sounds you have motivated me to stay consistent with my diet and sleep program. This has made a big difference in the past week. These journals make me realize that if I slack it is shown in my thread. You guys will see that I skipped a workout and that also motivates me.

Powerathlete, you have a great attitude and i bet you will reach your goals because you "get it". we are all here to share our knowledge and also to share our progress to help each other learn and to stay motivated. your thread has also helped me stay motivated; every journal does because it shows me that i can reach my goals if i stay consistent. if we can stay with it consistently we can avoid the setbacks and we can stop trying to get back to where we were before we slacked off and because we stay with it regularly, we are able to make gains every year. i say every year because it takes years of consistent hard work and dedication to acheive our goals. i don't personally know many people who are dedicated enough to stick with the hard workouts. that is why i lurk around here at ology. good job bro.
Well, I am writing this thread with some frustration. After feeling like crap for the past month or so and reading a ton of information on training, I've come to one conclusion. I am overtraining. The problem is that I am working at a new internship position, which is very stressful, but never changed my workout routine. The workouts have felt great but my muscles will be extremely sore for the next 5 days or so which inhibits me from hitting the gym again. I have been avoiding the issue that I am overtraining but after reading Mike Mentzer's book last night and brushing up on Seyle's theories of General Adaptation Syndrome, it is overwhelming. I am switching back to my low volume workouts. Stay tuned for some hopeful progress. :druggie:
just keep working out even if you feel like you are just unenthusiastically going through the motions.
you know i think we all go through times where we hit a wall.then we start to worry ourselves to death about not growing not gaining strength.just kinda spin the wheels.god knows i have!you know we start to read this and that and do this and that and tend to overcomplicate this stuff,but really in my opinion if you keep it simple you know... eat right rest right and just keep lifting the damn bar!doing it consistently!you will make the gains maybe not right now this very minute but they will come no doubt!!!
Back Into it

Sunday-October 2, 2005
Flat Bench Narrow Grip
45X15, 135X10, 185X5, 205X5, 225X2

Decline Bench Medium Grip
135X10, 185X5, 225X4

BWX10, BW+20lbsX6, BW+20lbsX6

Overhead Tricep Extensions with Pulley and Rope
80X12, 100X8, 110X8

Ab Work
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