Pre-cycle pictures

Ha ha thanks buddy I'll do my best! I'm working 12 hr nights everynight for the next 2 weeks.
Driving an hour each way so it doesnt leave a lot of free time so I'm only training 4 days a week. Getting 5-6 hrs sleep hasn't caught up with me yet!!
2 more weeks then a week off can't wait for that ha ha.
Felt a little pain in my delt this morning had to stop training for the day! I think it was from work but I'm sure it's nothing!!
Wish me luck boys ha ha
Thanks man i have never full on posed like that before i just looked at some pics! Good thing you cant see my face though it was pretty mangled in some of them ha ha
I'm out of town working I'm going home in a week maybe 2 I'll add some then I can't post any with my phone and that's all I have with me!
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Nope still in my truck ha ha it's been 17 days now!
I couldn't find a room the first week I was here but by then I had made myself at home in my truck and got in a good routine that I couldn't spend the money for a hotel. It would be a want not a need!! If I was working the day shift I would have to get a room it would be to cold I think! I'm off Tuesday morning (I think) 6 hr drive home it will feel good I can't wait!
My diet has kind of fallen off a bit a little more fat then I should and a little less carbs but meh it'll all work out.
I pinned just before I got to work today horrible idea all kinds of pip
Nope still in my truck ha ha it's been 17 days now!
I couldn't find a room the first week I was here but by then I had made myself at home in my truck and got in a good routine that I couldn't spend the money for a hotel. It would be a want not a need!! If I was working the day shift I would have to get a room it would be to cold I think! I'm off Tuesday morning (I think) 6 hr drive home it will feel good I can't wait!
My diet has kind of fallen off a bit a little more fat then I should and a little less carbs but meh it'll all work out.
I pinned just before I got to work today horrible idea all kinds of pip
Ha ha Ill be going on days off this week so I'll be able to do some update pics and get a weigh in on my scale the one at my gym says I'm up 10lbs but I don't think it's that much!
This pip is fucking brutal feels like I took baseball bat to the thigh!! I have taken shots out of both bottles so I know it's not the gear I took my time cleaned everything with swabs I hope I didn't get anything in there it's a little swollen and red!
I think it's from injecting 10sec before running around like a mad man for 12 hrs wide open!! I'll wait it out see if it gets worse! I'll be limping around that's for sure!!
Well I have been at work for 3weeks tonight was supposed to be my last shift...
Turns out it's not I may be in for another 3 weeks. It's good and it's bad it's good cause I'll make $15,000 In this 6 weeks which I could really use!! But who the fuck wants to work for 6 weeks straight of 12 hr days!! I think I'll have to get a room this sleeping in my truck is getting to me ha ha. I shot today before I went to bed so hopefully no pip for the next few days!! Training has been scarce to say the least diet is slowly falling off lol I need a pick me up!! Something to motivate me and get me back on track! I think I bed might help ha ha and a roof! Wish me luck my friends!!
Damn man I hate to see this go south after all you've been through.

Get a bed, get comfortable, and relax with a hooker off craigslist. Don't worry about it, I've already done the legwork:

Any Real Men Out There?

Looking For A Good Time

And while I understand they're both fat chicks, they do just happen to dig fit and muscular dudes...that's where you come in. And given your recent string of bad luck, goin ballz deep on some sweat sack might be just what the doctor ordered.

No need to thank me bro. I got yo shit covered.

There's your motivation. Now get after it.
Ha ha well to be honest that did bring me up a little!! I'm going to get a hotel now!! As for the fat bitches craigs list didn't have any where I'm staying fer fuck sake!! Lol oh well it would be kinda tricky working the night shift anyway! Once I switch to days I'll get on the prowl! I'm going to train hard today thinkin about chunky chicks!!
Thanks hell yea I owe ya one!!
Scratch that going to get a hotel part I left my wallet at work ha ha what's one more sleep in the truck :)
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Oh yeah and a good read...I just found this thread and read it from start to finish! Keep the updates coming!
Thanks man its been quite the ride so far! I think ill time my next cycle diffrently though ha ha!my work does pay for a room I just wanted to bank the money did it for 3 weeks but now I'm done last truck sleep for me!!
Had a good day at the gym today felt strong lifts have gone up!! My body is lacking on to rest that's for sure but that will come soon! I think I look bigger not to sure though! No pip thank the roid god!! Word of advice to any idiot who didn't already know don't pin then go do serious physical activity bad idea!!
Thanks for the likes and comments guys that's motivation right there!!