meeeeeeeeeeeeeee is an animal man
thanks buddy but I prefer The term "manimal" ha ha
Well I got a couple days off were switching oil company's so a couple of wait days (YAY)
So I worked 12 hrs then drove for 6 to get my ass home!!
I have to leave around 2am on Sunday night to be back to work but oh well!!
Today is pin #14 warming the vials up makes the shots literally painless!! Not that there was much if I did it right anyway just a little dullness!
I'm noticing a vascular increase checked my bp still perfect so no need to have blood taken yet.
I'm up about 10 lbs I'm and a little leaner I think I'm going to take my update pics tonight! It's so hard for me to even tell if I have gotten any bigger at all but the scale doesn't lie and I hope these pics turn out good being at work for the past 4 1/2 weeks my tan is gone so that will show in the pics!
This cycle better do some serious repairing it's lack of intensity leaves a guy wanting to change things up! As a reminder I'm on 200 test and 800 eq per week but I'm going to see it through!!
I still have my libido
just nothing to do with it ha ha! I won't lie my diet has been a little less then I had planed probably around 3000cal instead of my projected 5000 which I have always done so I'm not ballooning like normal but it's kinda nice. My traning has been 4days a week but some are pretty light due to me being exausted from work! Just started my aromasin I have a few zits in my back that's about it so I'm taking .5mg Ed. 250 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on shot days I think I have noticed the boys getting a little soft I have taken 4 shots of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) no change I may give a couple at 500 but well see.
I'm typing this on my phone lying in bed arms bent to get the phone close. my thumb, pointer and middle finger are completely numb on both hands almost painful! I think it's my wrists from work my hands just ache all the time anyway!
That's my update I feel mentally positive everything is great right now!! I had a little down time but hell yeah lesbians snapped me out of that pretty quick thanks buddy I owe ya one ha ha!!
Update pics tonight!!
Wish me luck my friends!