Progress pics Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) HGH & diet

Mr P

Super Moderator
Progress pics HRT HGH & diet

stats: 39 years
weight: 212 lbs
Height: 5'7
BF: 9.4 %

here are some progress pics, been on GH for about 3 months,

BMR: 2,243 TDEE: 3,476
Diet is 50/30/20



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Looking good Mr P!

I bet you are feeling great from the HGH also! What kind are you running and dosages/protocol?
Looking good Mr P!

I bet you are feeling great from the HGH also! What kind are you running and dosages/protocol?

I have been feeling great Brother, been doing Kigtropin & Redprotin, 4-5 iu's ED
but, it is kindda of expensivem so I'll probably be trying Greatwhitesharkpeptides soon :D Same effect, but cheaper :D I'll let u all know how it goes for me..

Look awesome. I hope I look like that when i'm your age.

Thanks Brother :)
I feel old now !

Lookin' beast! Nice work!

Thanks !

Thank ya babe, how about we get together "Sexy time"

Whoa..slow down there nelly..he's my bitch! Looking BEAST MR!! :)


You look awesome!

Thanks !

Dammit brother!!!! you are a beast!!look great man!!! you ought to be proud of yourself!!!

Thanks Bullseye, I prolly fit in your arm 3 X over :( !

Damn bro. Thick is fuck. Maybe one day I can grow up and be like you. I still can dead 600lbs. Lol

Thanks bigherm, I'm, trying my best to look like Justin bieber, or u .............
Many test e & c cycles under Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) all year round, every now and then, I add some tren ace, drol,I had done GH before, but now I'm sticking to it, at some point I might have to replace GH wiht IGF and ghrp 6 since it's more cost effective.
I'm getting ready to order some GHRP 6 and cjc to really compare it vs GH in a couple of weeks also Mr P.

It is costing me $125 per month to run the GH during my "on" time. Have not figured out the cost on the GHRP 6 and CJC yet.