progression pics, should i start a test/decca cycle? comments please


New member
heres a progression pic of me workingout natural, last pic is how i am now, wondering if i should start a cycle of test/deca or wait? comments and opinions - Thanks
as long as you keep growing natural there is no need to take any aas.

it's just like a car if you have gas in the tank why would you stop at a gas station to refuel
You do look like you are growing very well bro. Good quality muscle! I would wait on AAS.
keep doing what you are doing man, there is no need for the sauce. when you hit a point in the next few months/weeks, just change up your workouts.
just thought id throw in a pic of how i was about 8 months ago, this is what burgerking/mc donalds does to you lol

Wow, great job brutha!! You look like you've really turned it around with proper diet and training..
Honestly, looking at your progress over 8 months and the fact that you are 21, I'd keep doing it natural the way you have been for at least another year. At 21 your test and GH levels are peaking so you really dont need anything just yet.
Bro your transformation is fuckin amazing!

How did you do it over those 8 months?

I'm 240 now but have more muscles....good ol' brotha genetics lol i'm 5'9

wanna get to 175....but all natural....
hey man im in the same boat im at 235 right now and im loking to drop to under 200... i already diet and work out cardio alot any extra advice on how you did it in 8 months please share... nice job bro...
From the man himself!!! I hope he doesn't's good shit

ladiesman69xoxo said:
20 mins cardio on the treadmill at lvl 8 then immedtly after jump on the stairmaster for 10 mins eating grilled chicken salads and just cans of tuna/fish fillets and also just fruits, and my reg workout 5 days a week. no alcohol or fast food. trust me it works i lost 70 pounds!!

and i never eat past 7pm

Looks like a recipe for success that no roids could top on the aspect of being the healthiest!
just thought id throw in a pic of how i was about 8 months ago, this is what burgerking/mc donalds does to you lol[/QUOTE

240lbs in that pic? At 5 9, i dunno man. Excellent job on trimming down though man but your not that bad in this pic. Just some love handles. You look very young I would hold off on the AAS for now.

Also this is just my personal thoughts. Keep growing, put on some mass. Your young build your foundation then cut it. Some of the best pro BBers were fat-asses as kids. If you wanna be big you gotta deal with a little extra BF until you cut but when you do you will be all the happier. Keep Growing. Good dedication.
the reason for the immed change was becuase i went to the doctor and he told me hes seen 80 yr olds heathier than me. my blood pressure was 170 somthing i dont remember and normal is around 130 i believe, not sure. but yeah 240 pant size was 42 now im a 32 =)