......question for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) guys.......


bro im like 3% bf i swear
......question for trt guys.......

I'm curious as to who is actually prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with script and who just prescribes it themselves with source gear.

This matters to me since I am a lifer in the military and I can forsee getting prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) through military medical would be a huge battle.
script 200mg test cyp. 25mg exemestane 3x week. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5000iu every 6 months.

I wouldnt get a script in military. I would get bloods done from third party and see what your levels are. if you truly have low test, i would source some test cyp at 150mg per week with 12.5mg exemestane 2-3 times per week and then get new bloods done and see where your ranges are. at that low of a dose on both, they could be found for something around 300 a year, if that lol. Bloods from your doctor will cost 3000+ for anything from an endocrinologist. Mine are around 4.5k every 3-6 months.

If you have low test, treat it yourself if needed and see the RIGHT doctor when you are ready to have it on your insurance and open to the government and then get prescribed human grade stuff. Which will cost around 1-300 per month depending on insurance.
Script here also. 120mg test c/ 300 iu HCG/ .5tab Adex weekly. Doc at VA just ignored me basically when I mentioned having testosterone levels checked. Didn't expect otherwise though honestly.
My doc (general practioner) diagnosed me and I've been self injecting 100mg of test cyp for a few years. I always get my script filled. I'm a cash paying customer and for about $70 I get a 10mL vial of pharm grade test cyp every 20 weeks. When I blast I run UGL gear.
I have testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) script but my levels where only 89 so i got 200mgs wk test cyp. My levels came up to about 375 so I added some UGL to 200mgs test Cyp. for a total of 400mgs wk My levels are now 750. About 3 weeks before I go To doc. I cut back to 200mgs and she refills the script with arimidex .5 mon. wed. fri. I will be honest with you I used Pinnacle Test cyp at 200mgs wk and the #'s where higher than Pharm grade at 475.
With tricare (militaryhealth insurance in usa) everything is usually covered 100%..no co pay EVER. The problem would be getting primary care to refer me to an endo. Without the referal.insurance would not cover it.
With tricare (militaryhealth insurance in usa) everything is usually covered 100%..no co pay EVER. The problem would be getting primary care to refer me to an endo. Without the referal.insurance would not cover it.

dealing with anybody in the military is hard enough. not trying to be a dick but I highly doubt you'll ever see testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) from a doc while still in. ive actually never heard of anybody that's had it while in. think about being deployed...how the fuck are they going to do your bloods and checkups if your in the middle of nowhere. I think it would put you on a non-deployable status like idiots who get aids in Thailand haha
Im surpeised to see so many that are prescribed! idk why but i figured most were just self prescribing.
dealing with anybody in the military is hard enough. not trying to be a dick but I highly doubt you'll ever see testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) from a doc while still in. ive actually never heard of anybody that's had it while in. think about being deployed...how the fuck are they going to do your bloods and checkups if your in the middle of nowhere. I think it would put you on a non-deployable status like idiots who get aids in Thailand haha
Well I'm a career recruiter so I habe that on my side. I will never be deployed ever again. And its not the military docs that would put me on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), its the endo. In fact, the military would have no say in what the endo prescribes me. Its just a matter of getting TO the endo with proper referal system.