Rate my diet for Test E


New member
Hey all, just wanted to get a critique of my diet. Bout to be starting Test E 500 / week / 2 pin weekly. I'm planning to put on lean gains.

I currently weigh 214, BF 15% (Hydro tested).
Height: 6' 1"

Here is what my diet looks like:

Morning (7am):
.75 cup dry oats mixed.
1/8 cup raisins
.75 cup egg beater
1 oz FF (99%) diced up ham
1 slice Fat Free Cheese
1 serving Flax

Post Workout (10am)
1 scoop ON Whey Protein
1 Cup Skim Milk
1 Medium Banana

Lunch (10:45 / 11am)
5 Oz Tuna (Water)
Two Slices 12 Grain Bread
6oz Greek Yogurt w/ Flax

Snack: (2pm)
5oz Chicken Breast
1 cup Brown Rice
3 oz Mixed Nuts

Dinner: (5pm)
Large Sweet Potato
5oz Sirloin or Chicken Breast

Snack (8pm):
FF Cottage Cheese (1 serving)
3oz nuts
1 cup Skim Milk

9 / 10 pm in bed.

Does this seem adequate?

Thanks for the feedback.
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the food choices look ok... as for whether its enough i wouldn't be able to tell without a bmr/tdee and macros.. dont get me wrong.. it seems like its enough.. its more then likey enough calories....
G2G I'd say. However, you need to add up the cals, carbs, pro, and see exactly how much your getting. Then we will be able to tell you for sure if its enough/not enough.
After doing all the math:

My BMR = 2,650 (with exercise)

Carbs: 320
Fat: 70
Protein: 250

Calories: 2800

This is what my exercise regimen looks like:

Monday (Legs):
1/2 mile run (warm up)
5 min stretching
Squats: 5 x 5
Leg Press: 4 x 12
Lunges: Weight x 4 x 8 strides each leg
Quad Extensions Super Setted with Hammy Curls: 4 x 12
Calf Raises: 60 reps with short, short rest between sets
Seated Calf Raises: 60 reps, same as above.
5 min cool down on bike.

Tuesday (Chest + Cardio)
5 minute warm up
5 minute stretch
BB Flat Bench: 5 x 5
Incline BB Bench: 5 x 5
Incline DB: 2 x 8
Decline DB: 2 x 8
Incline DB Fly: 3 x 8
Cable Crossover: 3 x 8
Elliptical : 35 minutes

Wednesday (Back)
5 minute warm up
5 minute stretch
Pull-ups: 5 x 5 with weight
Bentover BB row: 5 x 5
Seated Row: 3 x 8
Lat Pull Down (Wide): 3 x 8
Lat Pull Down (Narrow): 3 x 8
Bent over Single Arm DB Row: 3 x 8 (each arm)
Hyper extensions: 3 x 10 (with weight)
5 minute Cool Down

Thursday (Cardio)
45 minute cardio on wake up

Friday: Bis and Tris
5 minute warm-up
5 minute stretch
Standing BB Curl: 10, 8, 8, 5, 5, 3.
Preacher Curl: 6, 8, 10.
Isolation Curl: 2 x 8
Hammer Curl: 2 x 8
Close Grip Bench: 5 x 5
Dips: 3 x 6
French Press: 6, 8, 10
Rope Pull Down: 6, 8, 10.
5 minute cool down

Saturday: Deads and Shoulders
5 minute warm up
5 minute stretch
Deadlifts: (12- warm up), 5 x 5.
Military Press [in Front]: 5 x 5
Seated DB raise: 6, 8, 10.
Lateral Raise: 3 x 8
Front Raise: 3 x 8
BB Shrugs: 4 x 15
DB Shrugs: 4 x 15
5 minute cool down

Sunday (Cardio)
45 minutes elliptical
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foods look clean but what about some veggies to aid digestion and enhance nutrient profile you are taking in?