relationship adviced needed NOW

I know how this story ends bro, and it's not pretty. When I was a freshman in college I cheated on my GF of 4 years. Got really drunk on new years eve while hanging out with a girl I knew from high school. Stayed at her apt. I could go into details because THEY ARE HILARIOUS, but long story short... Cheated.

After that nothing was the same. Stayed with her for 3 more years, but never got the intimacy back. My point is, once it's gone it's gone. The other person picks up on in whether they know it or not. We basically stayed together out of habit, rather than true emotion. Then, finally, we both just realized it was dumb. Best thing that ever happened was us breaking up, and neither of us realized it until after we did it.

I'm seriously going to have to post details of this in the forum... pretty crazy!

How long did it take for you to get over her. She was my first true girlfriend
How long did it take for you to get over her. She was my first true girlfriend

honestly man we broke up March 2008, didn't date again until August 2008. I had interests, and i had flings... Part of what made it hard was that she moved on VERY VERY quickly, so similar story. Hard to see someone you spent so much time with move on to someone new within a matter of a week. Just goes to show you that our relationship had truly been over a long time, without us really realizing it. She had been cultivating feelings for this guy for a while, and I'd been having feelings for another girl for quite some time. The difference was she acted on those quickly as a rebound, and I held back until I knew I was ready for a relationship again.
point of interest though... She ended up marrying that guy and currently leads him around by the nutsack (she was very very controlling, I did not realize this until after we broke up). I, on the other hand, had copious amount of meaningless flings until I was ready to date the girl I had been having feelings for.
Why do people take for granted the help and support you provide them. What should I do if she calls or txt?

Reply or just ignore her
Dude just ignore. My view is you dont get any sort of emotional support unless we are in a relationship or banging. Then you are dealing with all her bullshit and not getting anything in return. What a joke. Do you have kids? No? Then get the fuck out.
Spongy, you sound like my ex, haha.

Malin, Some girls are addicted to controlling men and drama. They are not in love with you as much as they are in controlling the situation. The moment you take away the pleasure of letting them control you, they find someone else that will let them. I think the reason that she basically said she is gonna go get some during the heat of a break up argument is because she THOUGHT she can control the situation happening. She thought she could break you. So don't let her. =)
How long did it take for you to get over her. She was my first true girlfriend

ya i hear you bro, but the only way to get over a girl like that is to f**k as many girls as possible. you wont miss her after that, trust me

drop her and move on, you can do a lot better
Thats what she wants you to do. Otherwise she wouldn't be sharing the information. Just tell her, "Good, so you are a slut. Have a nice life" and change your number. That way you had the last word, which will kill her, and you don't have to know anything else that is going on with her. She is using sex with another guy to control you, your emotions and the situation. Don't give her that control.
Thats what she wants you to do. Otherwise she wouldn't be sharing the information. Just tell her, "Good, so you are a slut. Have a nice life" and change your number. That way you had the last word, which will kill her, and you don't have to know anything else that is going on with her. She is using sex with another guy to control you, your emotions and the situation. Don't give her that control.

^ this is exactly right!

and chances are, she probably didn't sleep with someone, she only wants you to think she did because she wants to remain in control and she knows it's eating you up!

Let it go dude.