relationship adviced needed NOW

Well she just txted: I need you in my life

Any good response?

^^^ tell her you need her in your life too, then invite her to your place. fuck her like a porn star and then throw her out of your house naked the moment you bust your nut

drop her bro
She txted me she needed me but if she looks around and hooks up we arent ment to be and if she doesnt we are.

She is a sick fuck and i need to pick up my tv toonight and i want to swnd her atxt after that she will leave me alone...fuxking help cuz shes making me go crazy
Dude... You seriously need to remove her from your life. She is just playing mind games with you, she is toxic, block her number, change your number, do something, anything you can move on.

You are so young, when i was 23yrs old I should have walked away from my ex when I saw how he really was, I chose to stick it through and was treated like a piece of crap for the next 8yrs. Once a cheater always a cheater... She is young and obviously doesn't want to commit to one person, not at this age anyways.
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She txted me she needed me but if she looks around and hooks up we arent ment to be and if she doesnt we are.

She is a sick fuck and i need to pick up my tv toonight and i want to swnd her atxt after that she will leave me alone...fuxking help cuz shes making me go crazy

Ha ha, this is funny. Dude if that were the case I wouldn't be with anybody. Monogamy is a choice not a feeling.
LOL You guys he is 23! Of course he has relationship drama! We all did at that age! Otherwise we would not know wth to say to this kid. He is going through THAT one that changes your heart and mind towards relationships.
Malin-Guys use our emotions with saying sweet things to get us girls back. Girls use sex in order to get a guy back. She is pulling out all stops in order to get the ball in her court. The best thing you can do for YOURSELF is to have a friend go pick up your TV, change your phone number and move on. Train harder and face the feelings head on so you can move on without destroying yourself in the meantime.

She doesn't need to know that you are hurting or that what she is doing is effective, all that does is make her continue. Pretty much, be cold and distance yourself completely.
LOL You guys he is 23! Of course he has relationship drama! We all did at that age! Otherwise we would not know wth to say to this kid. He is going through THAT one that changes your heart and mind towards relationships.

I never had any realtionship problems at 23. I was too busy fucking everything in sight! hahahaha:jump:
ok, lol Maybe us girls did. I don't know but here it seems that was the transitional age for everyone in a relationship in my life, either you had made it through the partying and your sig other didn't yet so you moved on or visa versa.
Dump the bitch and go fuck some strange


^Best advice

I can relate, it sucks. I was dating the same girl for 4 years and a week after I bought her engagement ring she confessed she slept with someone a month before. It sucks but sounds like she's playing games with you.