Ringing in my fucking ears!


New member
Who has this?

Do you know of anything first hand that can help dissipate the ringing?

On top of the ringing it sounds like an electric fan motor is running sometimes.
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You either have hearing damage or it's from high adrenaline and a weak nervous system.

CJW, about the high adrenaline and nervous system part...

I have had Tinnitus(ringing in the ears) for almost 2 years now. Came on when I was sick.

The ENT's say I have PERFECT hearing, ears are like that of a middle schoolers....

So mine is nervous system/etc based.

How would you go about treating this? I know some people have cured it, even the gent on SuperHumanRadio has found how to treat his.

I suffered from "over sexual stimulation/addiction" for years if you catch my drift. Multiple times daily, non-stop. I think this had to do with the developement. I have had time periods where i SWEAR its gone, and I can almost hear silence again. Its up and down.

To be honest tinnitus can bring you mentally to an edge where even suicide seems better than living with it...I walked that line.

so far what I got is...

Melatonin. Equalizes hormones, better sleep.

magnesium, citric
Natures angiotensin inhibiter.
allows blood vessels to relax and open up.

250mg, 2-3 times a day with meals. 500-750mg is "magic"

R-alplapoic Acid. , cinnamon

Diet, Diet, Diet.

No caffeine, pasta, sugars.

L-tyrosine to ween off caffeine.

Proper Sleep.

Any input you know of? I am currently fighting to recover from said stimulation, and am addicted to energy drinks...pretty sure my adrenals can use about 6 months of no stims to get back to good health.

This may help out others as well.

Ihave researched the hell out of this....its a growing epidemic actually, and not all caused from hearing damage. My ears are perfect....the sound is from within...

Any supplements you can recommend for adrenal fatigue / nervous sytem?

I have been doing on and off doses of B6 P-5-P, St. Johns Wart, fish oil, etc.
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Not really sure if its a good idea but maybe something like valium to take the edge off. I cant even begin to imagine how annoying it must be.
Not really sure if its a good idea but maybe something like valium to take the edge off. I cant even begin to imagine how annoying it must be.

Its been known to cause suicide, psychosis, major depression, minor depression, etc. Depending on how severe it is... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week...no silence...its similiar to sound torture on prisoners, only worse.

You either adapt mentally, or eventually get torn apart so bad emotionally you become a ticking time bomb.

Are you sure it's not jus' earwax? Sometimes earwax can cause ringing in the ears.

This is true, impacted wax can cause the brain to generate a white noise.

First thing you should do is hit up an ENT(Ear nose Throat doctor) and have them do a run on you. They will clean our your ears with these little tools.

If that doesnt help, and they cant find any physical damage to your ear, then tis likely nervous system related.

Since you said you were on drugs....that specific drug combined with the over saturation of sound could have generated a chance in your electrical impulse in your neurons...they may be misfiring now...

One of the treatment options they are trying is electromagnetic stimulation to try and reset how they fire. As well as electrical impulses to disrupt them, some SSRI's are also show to help.
Zero, in your case it's an overactive sympathetic nervous system. 5-htp, 150mg st. john's wort, magnesium citrate, taurine, and like 200mg yohimbe could work to strengthen the parasympathetic nervous system with like 500mg arginine at a time. You need to stop having so much sex. Also make sure your T level is high enough. Are you on the happy drugs? They work you said for this problem?