scammed yet again!


New member
sick of these people..he said he recieved my money and he will process asap..i check 20 days later and i get a failure delivery notice..his refs said he was legit, these guys are moderators of other boards!any advise?
give the details to one of us mods here, we'll post it up in the mod forum and see what we can do for you
I hear ya bro. It sucks because half the time they are on the opposite coast as you are and you can't do anything about it but take the loss. Its too bad that there are people out there that are such scumbags that they need to rip ya off to make a few $$. Same people that if they got caught would give your name up in a hurry to avoid prison. I give props to all the true bros out there that keep it true and don't screw!!!!!!!!!! GOOD JOB BROS, keep at it!!