So call roid rage ?

So i reckon there is more ppl on here that dont believe in roid rage, than that of ppl that do, anyway it doesnt take gear for someone to stick a knife in someones throat cos he is a physco

But be sure if he was on the gear it would be blamed on that.

Its the media and mostly im afraid to say the American goverment dont mean to offend any of my American friends but here in Ireland you can get anything in and they are not that bothered, even free needle packs.

I agree in young kids and women but in men 30 plus its a safe bet in my opinion if its done correctly, when im on a cycle i feel so good the well being is amazing

I better stop rambling on but i disagree with the roid thing all i get is a feeling of well being

PS and for those of you who read this your mad lol

i agree bastard, my well being is is great while on, but bare in mind, everyone is different.

Completely agree Detone01,you hit the nail on the head, everyone is different what works for you might not work for me i get it,

But the rage thing is over hyped in my opinion, by the media and ignorant ppl who know nothing but the propaganda they here on tv

I dont care i love it i feel so at myself on a cycle and i follow every rule as much as i can.
total BS italianstallion said it best. its little geeks that get big now they wanna smash some heads cause they have more confidence. i have seen this first hand with some of my friends who never got in fights, and the nicest kid will turn into an asshole. not cause of roid rage but cause self esteem has gone through the roof and now they gotta prove them self. i guess the jokes on them cause deep down they are just cowards!
Auga "its little geeks that get big now they wanna smash some heads cause they have more confidence.who never ,and the nicest kid will turn into an asshole. NOT CAUSE OF ROID RAGE BUT SELF ESTEEM has gone through the roof and now they gotta prove themselves".

I agree thats a far better analyst to explain, the causes of so called roid rage should be called C**K rage lol
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I always thought roid rage was a myth too, but I have to be completely honest... while on, I find myself getting pissed off much more easily. I'm normally a very calm guy, and it's not easy to make me angry... but when I'm on, I get seriously pissed when I'm driving and it's much easier to agitate me.

It's certainly not RAGE though... nothing that would cause me to fly off the handle and get myself in trouble or lose control like you see in movies or on tv. But I can certainly tell the difference on and off.
I always thought roid rage was a myth too, but I have to be completely honest... while on, I find myself getting pissed off much more easily. I'm normally a very calm guy, and it's not easy to make me angry... but when I'm on, I get seriously pissed when I'm driving and it's much easier to agitate me.

It's certainly not RAGE though... nothing that would cause me to fly off the handle and get myself in trouble or lose control like you see in movies or on tv. But I can certainly tell the difference on and off.

Not sayin your mad but everything we do is in the head including me

Sure why do they use placebos to trick the brain

See me i say im grand and i normaly am and i always have a great sense of well being on a cycle maybe thats just in my head but it works see what i mean.

Tell yourself something enough it becomes true the brain is so powerful
my experience has been that yes it makes me a little more aggressive (aas in general) but it is something that you can and should handle. no excuse for being a dick. just eat right, sleep right and you be ok.
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So i reckon there is more ppl on here that dont believe in roid rage, than that of ppl that do, anyway it doesnt take gear for someone to stick a knife in someones throat cos he is a physco

But be sure if he was on the gear it would be blamed on that.

Its the media and mostly im afraid to say the American goverment dont mean to offend any of my American friends but here in Ireland you can get anything in and they are not that bothered, even free needle packs.

I agree in young kids and women but in men 30 plus its a safe bet in my opinion if its done correctly, when im on a cycle i feel so good the well being is amazing

I better stop rambling on but i disagree with the roid thing all i get is a feeling of well being

PS and for those of you who read this your mad lol

Good point TMan!

Believe me....roid rage is a big fuckin myth or I'd be in prison!

Sure I got a lil pissy on Haloteston or Cheque Drops but wasnt stupid enough to blame it on roid rage!!!!!!

One would have to be mentally unstable AND have an excuse to blame it on gear!

If Cheque wasnt so toxic Id do it all the time even though it made me aggressive BUT not a dick!

Proof is that I am much more angry and pissed off to everybody when i'm running fakes, like right now :)
There is no excuse, it might make you moody but so does dieting. People who do the crime have no one or thing to blame but themselves. There is no scientific proof either it is a myth
Believe me....roid rage is a BIG FUCKING MYTH

but wasnt stupid enough to blame it on roid rage!!!!!!

One would HAVE TO BE MENTALLY UNSTABLE AND have an excuse to blame it on gear![/QUOTE

I couldnt agree more if i did id be kissing your ass lol