do you even find a " source "?

Just ask at your gym..

Find the guys who you know are on the juice because you can tell by just looking at them, and ask them for a source(most of the time they are the source)

That is how I found all of mine. And don't worry you will not get punched in the face or anything like that.....the worse is they will lie to you and tell you their natural

I found a source on here within a week of reading but I found a close to home source from my gym. I asked waht supps he was on(of course it was after a few weeks and conversation) He gave the ol " I'm natural" talk and I said well if you know of anyone I'm interested and 2 days later we were talking seriously. Come to find out there were 3 other guys using him too.
Beefcake? Who the f*ck are u.. N what the hell are u forum! Yes the Kings forum.. I have all the good gear n.i didnt use no bullshit ur trying feed this.noob.. Ur one of those ******* assholes that have those kids go on ur bullshit website b troll them.. Hoe about this u get the We dont.need ur negative b.s around here.. I can have every member on her vouch I a bullshiter when i see one we dnt want.u on this shit

I actually compete n.not a day dreamer like ur punk a*s

And that my friends, is how u get "knocked the fuck out"! BooM!
Beefcake? Who the f*ck are u.. N what the hell are u forum! Yes the Kings forum.. I have all the good gear n.i didnt use no bullshit ur trying feed this.noob.. Ur one of those ******* assholes that have those kids go on ur bullshit website b troll them.. Hoe about this u get the We dont.need ur negative b.s around here.. I can have every member on her vouch I a bullshiter when i see one we dnt want.u on this shit

I actually compete n.not a day dreamer like ur punk a*s

Calm down big boy it was joke.

I don't compete because I cant - I don't compete because I find competing semi-homo erotic and have no interest.
The sarcastic humorous responses to his inquiry could go on forever and probably will geeze did he really ask that i mean he sounds alright I've only done a few posts i was on gear before the internet lol try finding a source when your 150 at the gym it wasn't easy i remember buying 2mg win tabs for 2 bucks i took 2 a day i gained 12 pounds in 2 months lmao then the guy disappeared i kept my gains though i found a source if any of you old dudes on here will know the name olympia skouvara back in the 90s a magazine muscle media made them famous and they got busted along with buyers from us like uh guess who anyway now a days its so more open in gyms and cheaper my advice talk to someone that you won't annoy .ie a older guy like me at the gym ,i only talk about gear at the gym to those that i know have used or are on if thats being rude so be it
The sarcastic humorous responses to his inquiry could go on forever and probably will geeze did he really ask that i mean he sounds alright I've only done a few posts i was on gear before the internet lol try finding a source when your 150 at the gym it wasn't easy i remember buying 2mg win tabs for 2 bucks i took 2 a day i gained 12 pounds in 2 months lmao then the guy disappeared i kept my gains though i found a source if any of you old dudes on here will know the name olympia skouvara back in the 90s a magazine muscle media made them famous and they got busted along with buyers from us like uh guess who anyway now a days its so more open in gyms and cheaper my advice talk to someone that you won't annoy .ie a older guy like me at the gym ,i only talk about gear at the gym to those that i know have used or are on if thats being rude so be it
Hey king beast you gotta pm me or reply in open on my ? i ve been join to the angies list place and have used a few of the top sources i didn't scammed so my ? what do you mean by scammed like under dosed cuz i believe it all is but i gotta say I'm as big as i was when i took a friend of a friend etc. lab gear extremely expensive but plenty of people iknow vouch for him and cuz of crap on internet people pay the 3 times internet price so I'm not really sure what to think someone else said er yea thats where I've been going i will say many years ago i took the real pink 5mg dbol 3 a day and 500 mg testoviron and 200 mg deca nonstop no cycle i went from 170s to 210 in 7 months strength was crazy from the dbol bench 225 for 30 reps from barely doing 8 before dbol I've tried the dbol 50mg thats out there and my thoughts are its bs yeh person i know only makes oils btw I'm not asking for a source lol please don't interpret this that way I'm just thrown my 2 cents in here like i said king i got the gear i ordered but i guess you can call it scammed as far as dose is concerned btw i think i just did some bs tne erlier it didn't have that smell and it was rated on that ER board as fire
This question gets asked perhaps every other day on every steroid forum on the net. For good reason, might I add.

The most important thing I can tell you is to not jump the gun. If you think you've found it, don't jump on it until you're even more sure, and even then you accept the possibility of being screwed.

No single forum on any open forum should be trusted to give you the hook up. Keep that in mind, and good luck to you.

Just a quick example: A dude with the handle PEP, thinkpep or something similar had a good thing going. He built quite a reputation in a months time. His name was being thrown around on a few forums. Anyone could have been fooled. His gear was legit, people were getting what they paid for in a timely fashion and it seemed honkey dorey. When the time was ripe, PEP began choosing a money transfer here and there to be "unable to be picked up", or some other excuse. Yet on the same forum, you have multiple handles defending his business. You have an equal amount haranguing him. It all becomes a big cluster fuc*. But if you're new to that forum, it would take pages upon pages of reading to come to the conclusion that the dude can't be trusted.
Calm down big boy it was joke.

I don't compete because I cant - I don't compete because I find competing semi-homo erotic and have no interest.

I used to compete NPC and NABBA. Does that mean I'm "home erotic?" My ex Wife was a fitness model, and hot. I get numerous hot milfs today. I'm a prior Marine. No homo stuff anywhere near me. Btw, was the legend Arnold Schwarzenneger a "semi-home erotic?" Ok... Lol!
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honestly mate, there are a lot of smarter ways to do this.

** online trt clinics (these guys know why everybody is really there, you just need to play the game correctly so the trt companies aren't left in a vulnerable position)

** 95% of these internet sources are bunk gear or made poorly in some shitty ugl so you risk infections and are getting underdosed crap. also committing felonies and ruining your life to get ''big'' is fucking stupid IMO.

nobody on this website is gonna be mr. Olympia man. do whats best for you but be realistic and play this game in the legal field and I think anyone can go far.

IMO if I were you I would get on board with an online TRT with a doc who isnt afraid to have you at a level at 1000+ total test level, this might take a little doc shopping but that's no big deal, stack that with prohormones suck as epistane or super dmz, use insulin for mass, dnp to cut fat.

understanding and practicing proper training and nutrition is your foundation though before any of this.

a lot of these internet forums are setup by people who want to push their own product, who want to push their sponsors product, and who want to make money. they try to come off to you as good guys but in all reality everyone has their own agenda. its like politics, its a game of smoke and mirrors. everyone has their own agenda, or is representing some one else's when it comes to internet forums. and those that do have a good real reliable source, they don't want to tell you about it because guess what? they don't want everyone knowing their source and they don't want to be associated with that source to protect themselves.

IMO your safest best route to getting what you want while playing it safe is, get on TRT with an online clinic that is gonna hook you up with the total test and free test levels that make you an ape, take advantage of whats legal (dnp, insulin, prohormones, peptides), have a solid training and nutrition program as your base, and guess what? you wont turn into a freak of nature, you wont be at a competition level, but you could sit around a nice 230-240lbs at 10% bodyfat.
I used to compete NPC and NABBA. Does that mean I'm "home erotic?" My ex Wife was a fitness model, and hot. I get numerous hot milfs today. I'm a prior Marine. No homo stuff anywhere near me. Btw, was the legend Arnold Schwarzenneger a "semi-home erotic?" Ok... Lol!

I'm not saying you are homo and I would like to thank you for your services to the country but where else on earth do you see a bunch of guys get fake tans, step on stage in man thongs, and flex their stuff for other men to look at? It does have a sort of homosexual undertone to it wouldn't you agree?
honestly mate, there are a lot of smarter ways to do this.

** online trt clinics (these guys know why everybody is really there, you just need to play the game correctly so the trt companies aren't left in a vulnerable position)

** 95% of these internet sources are bunk gear or made poorly in some shitty ugl so you risk infections and are getting underdosed crap. also committing felonies and ruining your life to get ''big'' is fucking stupid IMO.

nobody on this website is gonna be mr. Olympia man. do whats best for you but be realistic and play this game in the legal field and I think anyone can go far.

IMO if I were you I would get on board with an online TRT with a doc who isnt afraid to have you at a level at 1000+ total test level, this might take a little doc shopping but that's no big deal, stack that with prohormones suck as epistane or super dmz, use insulin for mass, dnp to cut fat.

understanding and practicing proper training and nutrition is your foundation though before any of this.

a lot of these internet forums are setup by people who want to push their own product, who want to push their sponsors product, and who want to make money. they try to come off to you as good guys but in all reality everyone has their own agenda. its like politics, its a game of smoke and mirrors. everyone has their own agenda, or is representing some one else's when it comes to internet forums. and those that do have a good real reliable source, they don't want to tell you about it because guess what? they don't want everyone knowing their source and they don't want to be associated with that source to protect themselves.

IMO your safest best route to getting what you want while playing it safe is, get on TRT with an online clinic that is gonna hook you up with the total test and free test levels that make you an ape, take advantage of whats legal (dnp, insulin, prohormones, peptides), have a solid training and nutrition program as your base, and guess what? you wont turn into a freak of nature, you wont be at a competition level, but you could sit around a nice 230-240lbs at 10% bodyfat.

Vito: Getting on TRT doesn't work that way. It isn't just like you go in a and ask the doc to give you a free pass to cycle AAS. No doctor is going to prescribe you anything.
I'm not saying you are homo and I would like to thank you for your services to the country but where else on earth do you see a bunch of guys get fake tans, step on stage in man thongs, and flex their stuff for other men to look at? It does have a sort of homosexual undertone to it wouldn't you agree?

Then what about MMA? Where else on earth do you see two guys in underwear roll on the ground, squeezing each other with their arms and thighs, under spotlights with a bunch of other men yelling at them to "go harder"?

Just kidding Dre, I get your point ;)
Then what about MMA? Where else on earth do you see two guys in underwear roll on the ground, squeezing each other with their arms and thighs, under spotlights with a bunch of other men yelling at them to "go harder"?

Just kidding Dre, I get your point ;)

Lol you're right it has some of the same undertones but instead of flexing pecs they're trying to beat the shit out of each other.

This isn't an attack on homosexuality either. I'm fine with anyone doing whatever they want behind the bedroom doors so long as it's not forced or on children. I'm still debating which side of the fence I sit in tears to animals, it's not like we can ask them for consent beforehand.
Vito: Getting on TRT doesn't work that way. It isn't just like you go in a and ask the doc to give you a free pass to cycle AAS. No doctor is going to prescribe you anything.

i know mate. but it EXTREMELY easy to get prescribed a scheduled substance if you know what ur doing.
i know mate. but it EXTREMELY easy to get prescribed a scheduled substance if you know what ur doing.

bad idea. And it's not easy at all. Doctors aren't stupid. Any physician that is up to date will attempt to find the cause, and depending on age, they will not risk their license for such a foolish attempt at obtaining a prescription. Even if you're lucky, you'll end up with oral or gel testosterone that won't do much.
bad idea. And it's not easy at all. Doctors aren't stupid. Any physician that is up to date will attempt to find the cause, and depending on age, they will not risk their license for such a foolish attempt at obtaining a prescription. Even if you're lucky, you'll end up with oral or gel testosterone that won't do much.

How did the guy in Bigger, Stronger, Faster pull that anti aging stunt then?
bad idea. And it's not easy at all. Doctors aren't stupid. Any physician that is up to date will attempt to find the cause, and depending on age, they will not risk their license for such a foolish attempt at obtaining a prescription. Even if you're lucky, you'll end up with oral or gel testosterone that won't do much.

Really? I have been prescribed Xanax, promethazine, Adderall,oxycodone, have my medical marijuana card and soon to be caregiver. (all this was EXTREMELY easy to get, so easy that anyone with a basic level of reading comprehension could do)

all for nothing basically.

I could write ALOT more about how to get scheduled drugs legally. but everything you write is being tracked by the government so some things are best left unspoken ;)
bad idea. And it's not easy at all. Doctors aren't stupid. Any physician that is up to date will attempt to find the cause, and depending on age, they will not risk their license for such a foolish attempt at obtaining a prescription. Even if you're lucky, you'll end up with oral or gel testosterone that won't do much.

doctors aren't stupid they are just legal pill pushers, most of them in contract with the pharmaceutical companies.
Really? I have been prescribed Xanax, promethazine, Adderall,oxycodone, have my medical marijuana card and soon to be caregiver. (all this was EXTREMELY easy to get, so easy that anyone with a basic level of reading comprehension could do)

all for nothing basically.

I could write ALOT more about how to get scheduled drugs legally. but everything you write is being tracked by the government so some things are best left unspoken ;)

I thought this discussion was about steroids? Don't change the subject. Urologists and Endocrinologists are far more advanced than your general practitioners, who do not prescribe steroids anyways.

Don't make up random things, vito. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.