some good gaining pics


Indian Badass
guys these pics were taken yesterday and i m back on gaining after the state comp, weighing in at 79 kgs now. 5 feet 7.5 inches. please comment
looks OKAY. i mean what did you cycle with when you were bulking up.

you should have bulked up with at least 1000mg of test a week and some good dosages of tren and/or deca. and also you should have used insulin and hgh on the side. along with that you should have taken t3 and clen together when cutting, but also you should have just taken some high dosages of tren and Winstrol (winny). aside from that, you should have focused more on squats/front squats b/c you're quads are lagging. should expand your serratus/ rib cage. that would make you have that quality buff look on your chest. but it seems kinda flat.

i must admit you are in GOOD SHAPE but it's not freaky like most REAL bodybuilders.

tell me if you followed the stuff i mentioned above, if you didn't then that's why you look like the way you are THE AVERAGE GUY. don't be offended b/c i'm giving you my honest opinion.
old timer said:
looks OKAY. i mean what did you cycle with when you were bulking up.

you should have bulked up with at least 1000mg of test a week and some good dosages of tren and/or deca. and also you should have used insulin and hgh on the side. along with that you should have taken t3 and clen together when cutting, but also you should have just taken some high dosages of tren and Winstrol (winny). aside from that, you should have focused more on squats/front squats b/c you're quads are lagging. should expand your serratus/ rib cage. that would make you have that quality buff look on your chest. but it seems kinda flat.

i must admit you are in GOOD SHAPE but it's not freaky like most REAL bodybuilders.

tell me if you followed the stuff i mentioned above, if you didn't then that's why you look like the way you are THE AVERAGE GUY. don't be offended b/c i'm giving you my honest opinion.

damn thats harsh
old timer said: should expand your serratus/ rib cage. that would make you have that quality buff look on your chest.

I always thought that was a myth, as in you can't rearange your bones. Explain how that works.
Golgo13 said:
I always thought that was a myth, as in you can't rearange your bones. Explain how that works.
It doesnt work. Your genetics determine what your rib cage will be like.
Golgo13 said:

You look awesome man. You need to burn the pink posing trunks though.

he can trade you for your zebra trunks? :spank:
thanks for the apreciation guys. and house 1 bro, i seriously hope old timer is jokin, or maybe thats how they go bout bodybuildin where he works out. id rather look like the AVERAGE GUY, for id rather keep my insides a little above average. and soory bout the pinkies, guys, it was my trainers idea!i usually use black ones
i didnt say it in those words, but u got my feelings about old timer right on, big n. thanks
You dont look at ALL like the average guy. Im not sure what he was thinking when he wrote that, I was waiting for the "just kidding" punchline. Lookin good bro, the hard work it takes to get there should acknowleged, good job!
old timer said:
looks OKAY. i mean what did you cycle with when you were bulking up.

you should have bulked up with at least 1000mg of test a week and some good dosages of tren and/or deca. and also you should have used insulin and hgh on the side. along with that you should have taken t3 and clen together when cutting, but also you should have just taken some high dosages of tren and Winstrol (winny). aside from that, you should have focused more on squats/front squats b/c you're quads are lagging. should expand your serratus/ rib cage. that would make you have that quality buff look on your chest. but it seems kinda flat.

i must admit you are in GOOD SHAPE but it's not freaky like most REAL bodybuilders.

tell me if you followed the stuff i mentioned above, if you didn't then that's why you look like the way you are THE AVERAGE GUY. don't be offended b/c i'm giving you my honest opinion.

Let's see your pics. :)
old timer said:
looks OKAY. i mean what did you cycle with when you were bulking up.

you should have bulked up with at least 1000mg of test a week and some good dosages of tren and/or deca. and also you should have used insulin and hgh on the side. along with that you should have taken t3 and clen together when cutting, but also you should have just taken some high dosages of tren and Winstrol (winny). aside from that, you should have focused more on squats/front squats b/c you're quads are lagging. should expand your serratus/ rib cage. that would make you have that quality buff look on your chest. but it seems kinda flat.

i must admit you are in GOOD SHAPE but it's not freaky like most REAL bodybuilders.

tell me if you followed the stuff i mentioned above, if you didn't then that's why you look like the way you are THE AVERAGE GUY. don't be offended b/c i'm giving you my honest opinion.

what a fucking douche bag. ankur youre far from the "average guy" keep up the good work and dont listen to this asshole who is probably in terrible condition.
ankur said:
thanks for the apreciation guys. and house 1 bro, i seriously hope old timer is jokin, or maybe thats how they go bout bodybuildin where he works out. id rather look like the AVERAGE GUY, for id rather keep my insides a little above average. and soory bout the pinkies, guys, it was my trainers idea!i usually use black ones

i was going to go off about the comment from old timer, but everybody already has lol. you look good. killer legs!!!!!
once again thanks all u bros- dougoue fre5h, security1769 and blackjack for the appreciation. i guess ASSCLOWNS like old timer exist everywhere, as much as they do here in India!